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I open the door and I'm furious.

Deth is busy making out naked with God knows who,the guy is busy sticking his fingers inside her and she is busy moaning I guess she is enjoying it.

What's with people fornicating on my favorite couch?

Last time it was Cole's friend now her sister.

I love this couch so much that I wash it once in a while, yeah you read that right I drag it to the laundry room and wash it clean ,it's been a while since I washed it because of my condition but I guess I have to find a way.

I can't imagine myself seating on people's babies(cum).

They didn't seem to  notice me getting so they are still busy being all disgusting and they almost take
it to the next level but I make a cough.

The guy is so startled that he jumps off Deth and covers himself with his hands,Deth on the other hand is not even surprised to see me and she just lie's there smiling as she makes to sit up.

Did I mention that she is such a bitch?

Deth is a petite brunette young lady, she has her brown hair cut into a Bob and she looks beautiful I must say apart from her attitude of course. She has brown eyes and a fair skin tone.

"What's the meaning of this Deth you care to explain?" I retort

"The meaning of what?" she yelps

"You fornicating on my couch?"

The guy scrambles for his clothes and covers himself as he tries to put them on.He stumbles almost falling as he tries to put on his trousers. I so bad want to laugh but now is not the time.

"I'm not in the mood for your mood swings I didn't cum in you,your husband did so address them to him." she snorts.


"What you ruined everything I was about to get my first orgasm!" she yells.

"you know what get out of my house I don't care how you got in in the first place but leave." I say to her pointing at the door.

The guy who is now dressed pecks Deth and leaves"later"he says as he winks.

I don't know why but I don't like him, he gives me the creeps and he seems so much older than Deth, like ten years apart almost my age mate. I'm twenty seven.

Don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with age differences in a relationship but Deth is only a teen, an underage.

"I said you should leave."

"This is also my brothers house and that's why he gave me a spare key"she says as she puts on her crop top and only her underwear and she now comfortably sits trying to change the channel on the TV.

"He did what?"

"You heard me."

"Did you pick my locks?" Cole would never give her the keys to our house. Cole and Deth hate each other to bits. Theirs is not the normal sibling feud it's beyond that.

"Yes I did so what?"

"Enough with the bitchy attitude or you are leaving, anyway that's not important right now why are you not in school ?"

"Hey take a chill pill and wait for that,"she says pointing to my belly."To become a mother if you want to become one that bad and stop meddling in my business. You have already ruined a nice make out session that was going to lead to sex you know!"

"Yeah I know saw that coming now is not the time!"

"And when is the time huh cause I'm so fucking horny!"

How I'm I going to deal with this one I already have enough as it is.

I know she is an adolescent but still.

She walks to the kitchen swaying her waist in only her underwear and the crop top which Is barely covering her stomach she comes back ready to watch a movie.

I walk to the black couch and lie on my back I need to rest.

"There is no food in the house I'm starving, you came in carrying a bag is there any food in it?"

"Whether it has food or not its none of your concerns you wanna act like an adult you might as well start behaving like one by catering for your own needs." I snap

Deth burst  into laughter
"Are you snapping because of food or is there more to this?

" Yeah its just mere food, food that you can't afford. "I sneer.

" I have never  heard you snap before im liking the 'pregnant you' "she says chuckling.

Deth is so childish and I'm not about to engage with her. So I walk to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee.

My kitchen is sparkling clean not the way I left it earlier. I need to thank Benny for sending his cleaning lady.

She did a good job.

I park my fridge with the things that Benny bought me and I'm already salivating though I have already had enough junk for a day I guess I will just wait till tomorrow.

I pour myself a cup of coffee and that's when I hear the door bell.

"Deth get the door! "I shout from the kitchen.

" This Is your house remember!" she shouts back.

I walk back to the living room to get the door.
" You will starve to death if you don't put your behaviors in check."

I say as I open the door.

My nextdoor neighbour Sophy a middle aged woman is standing on my door carrying a tray of cookies.

I don't like this woman she is always fetching for information from people's homes.

"Good afternoon my dear,"she is also a good pretender.

"Yes how may I help you?"she is surprised I'm not in for a chitchat.

"Is your husband at home?"she asks.

"Is yours at home?"

"Yeah of course he is. "

"Then why don't you sit down and do husband and wife stuff instead of walking all over the neighborhood or is your marriage that boring? "I'm really in a bad mood.

" I just came to bring you some cookies. "

"You know what I don't eat them,I throw them to the bin so just stop okay," I take the cookies
and throw them to the bin two feet from my door.

"There! happy? that's where it goes each and every time. So just stop!"

"I'm sorry" she says and runs off to her house in tears and I feel guilty of my actions .

Deth is standing at the door laughing so hard, what's so funny ugh!

"Seems the pregnancy is doing you good sister in law," She says grinning. "You didn't have to be rude on the poor woman,"and she walks back to the house.

"Put on some clothes."

"No put off some of yours."

I walk to my garden and take a seat on one of the three white chairs.I need some fresh air.

I'm suffocating.

Why did I have to shout at her?

I made her cry .

She was only trying to be nice,I guess the stress and pressure around is really starting to get into me. This so unlike of me .

What I'm I turning to.

Wait I'm I turning into Cole?

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