Chapter 7 : Do You Have An Extra Pen?

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Jason's POV

"And then he fell down face first." Cole laughed as I completed my story, as Kylan stared at us shocked.

"Since when are you both best friends?" Asked Kylan, his mouth agape. It was lunch break and we were currently sitting together in the canteen. Amazing, isn't it?

"Since yesterday, but I am seeing this just today." Answered Elijah.

"God, Kylan. You never told me about Jason before. This guy's got some humor, dude." Cole said.

"Cole, did you apologize?" Kylan asked.

"I did. And thereafter we became friends." He confirmed, munching on his burger.

"Wow. Anyways, what's up?" Kylan looked at me.

"Nm." I shrugged. "Oh, on an important note, I have classes with Autumn today. So..."

"Oh, right!" Kylan exclaimed. "First things first, be subtle and don't be clingy. Second, be subtle but be nice too. Girls like boys who treat them nicely. Third, do not rush things. You might've waited for her for a long time, but she doesn't really know you, remember. So patience is the key. Got it?"

I shook my head. "You're being so vague and theoretical. Say what I'm supposed to talk to her about."

"Oh God, this guy..." Kylan sighed in frustration.

"So it's about a girl, I assume?" Cole asked, and I nodded. "Then ask me, bro. Kylan doesn't know shit."

"Okay, tell me."

"One, don't be nervous around her, be confident. Girls like guys with self-confidence." Cole began.

"But girls might also find the nervousness cute." Kylan cut in.

"Yeah. It depends on the girl. But I'm saying in general girls like-" Cole argued back.

"But what if Autumn isn't one of your 'general' girls?" Kylan injected.

"Well then-"

"Just be yourself, Jason." Elijah cut off their bickering. "You have a great personality, so she would take a liking to you for who you are."

That was the most sensible advice I've got so far.

The bell suddenly goes off. "That's okay, but first impressions are important." Cole said.

"Okay, guys I gotta run." I said picking up my bag. "Thanks Elijah, Kylan and Mr. Cool. See you guys later."

As I moved towards my classes I heard Kylan asking Cole, "Mr. Cool? What's that?"

"Don't ask me, bro." Cole replied and I chuckled.


I got into class first and sat on a random seat. I didn't know where Autumn would sit so...

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