21. Letting it all out

Start from the beginning

She sat in her car, shaking with rage, and turned the ignition on. She speeded out of the parking lot, conscious of the amount of bystanders who had watched her interaction with the two men. She thanked god most people wouldn't have understood Italian, but she knew that would have possibly not been enough to save her.

When she got to the hotel, she drew herself a bath and let her body relax surrounded by the hot water.

With all the lights off and complete silence, Valeria could finally let go of her emotions. She sat, quietly sobbing in the tub for what felt like hours.

'Val? Schatzi? Are you in here?' She heard Seb.

'In the bathroom' she replied.

'Oh my god' Seb stated, opening the door. 'I was so scared. I've been looking all over for you. I've called your mobile like twenty times' he said. Valeria could see his worried look even in the dark. 'I saw your... interaction with Mattia and I didn't know where you'd gone. I was so worried' he continued, sitting on the edge of the tub, grabbing her left hand in his. 'Never ever disappear on me again.'

'I'm sorry Seb, I thought you knew I was coming back straight away.' She started.

'Yeah but with everything that's happening... with Mattia... I didn't know... I didn't want to assume...' he mumbled.

'It takes a lot more than Mattia to get me down' she tried to calm him down, squeezing his hand in hers.

'I'm glad you're fine. I need to call a few people, but please check your phone. Everyone was worried'

'Everyone?' She asked,as Seb left the room once more. 'Seb? Everyone?' She asked again. She got out of the tub and grabbed her phone.

Sebastiano ❤ 10 missed calls

Danniboy 3 missed calls

Lando 2 missed calls

Noemi 8 missed calls

'Oops' Valeria whispered, clicking on her messaging app.

Seb: Schatzi, where are you? I called you three times already.


Please pick up, Valeria.

Valeria Proietti I swear to god when I find you you won't hear the end of it.

Come on, I'm really worried.

Dan: Taz where the fuck are you? I'm not covering for the murder of a certain Ferrari TP. I know you're probably fine but please call me when you see this. Your husband is going ballistic. 

Lando: you big idiot. Where are you? Seb is super worried, he doesn't need this. Not right now. You're also probably in such a stupid place, like the toilet taking a dump. Just pick up, we don't mind hearing your poo voice.

Noemi: I'm going to come to Imola and kill you with my bare hands. Call me. Or at least call Seb.

Valeria typed a few quick replies, she never thought Seb would send out a search party for her. She had thought it would be obvious she would be back in the room.

She grabbed her pyjamas and walked into the main room. Seb was sitting on the bed, his head in his hands, looking like he was about to cry. Valeria walked closer to him, cupping one of his hands in hers.

'I am so, so, so sorry. I didn't think you had seen Mattia and I, neither I thought you'd be so worried if you didn't know where I was. I just came back to take a bath, I am sorry I didn't let you know'  she explained.

'it's ok, I am glad you're OK. You know I am all over the place lately and I automatically thought the worst. Have you called the others?' he replied.

'I sent a text, yeah. I can't believe you sent a search party for me.' Valeria continued.

'it's been a long year, Schatzi, anything could have happened' Seb told her.

'don't worry, I am not in that dark place anymore. I haven't been since I met you' she addressed the elephant in the room, knowing exactly what Seb was thinking about. 'but I understand why you could have thought that'

'I didn't mean... I didn't think...' he started 'that's not what I meant'

'it is and we know it, my love. It's OK, you don't have to pretend you haven't thought that that was what was happening.' she lightly kissed his lips. 'just trust me when I am saying you actually saved me'

Seb didn't reply, Valeria could see her admission had created a lump in his throat. Never had he thought that he could impact anyone's life in such a positive way. If there was a reason he had decided to carry on racing it was also because of the positive impact Valeria had had on him. He could see how much she cared for his career and how much she wished to be by his side. Maybe having a child straight away hadn't been their greatest idea, maybe she needed to spend another year travelling with him before properly settling down...

'What are you thinking?' Valeria interrupted his flow of thoughts.

'Do you still want to work?' he asked. 'Oh god, this sounds like I am going to tell you women should stay at home.' he blushed 'I meant, do you wish we did anything differently?'

'Will I miss being able to work in F1? Sure. Do I think about it? Absolutely. Do I wish we did anything differently? Never.' she replied, honestly. 'And if I have any time to come join the action at the paddock, I'd be glad. If I can do any work from home, I'll take it, I like my independence. I like buying trainers with my own money, so you can't judge me too much' she teased him. 'but if we end up having... like... I don't know... three kids... I'll happily be a full time mum.'

'Three?'Seb asked surprised. 

'Too many?' she shrugged.

'I was thinking four' Seb said, with a smile.

'hey, I know we both enjoy the making part of the deal, but I am not pushing four humans out of my vagina'

'always the classy one, you' Seb finally laughed, the worry and anger he had felt finally leaving his face. 'If I am not wrong, talking about the fun part... We had made a pact back home... you and I...'

'mh? Don't remember' she teased him, lightly rubbing her lips on his.

'let's see if I can refresh your memory' he said, teasingly, pushing his hands under her pyjama shirt.

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