Chapter 2

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Adele's POV.

I walked along the sidewalk, my flats crunching the stray bits of sand and gravel underfoot.

I brushed a strand of my pale hair out of my eyes, the colour of pink chalk.

It was warm, the breeze ruffled my ponytail and ripped stray pieces from it, which fell in my face.

A girl pushed by me suddenly, sprinting down the sidewalk. A boy called out to her, but she didn't reply.

"Rude," I mumbled, and then leaned down to pick up the book I dropped.

I stood back up and clutched it tighter in case this boy decided to run after her. He didn't.

I walked.

Jake's POV.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, closing my eyes. I wanted to run after her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. On her way by she'd knocked over that weird hipster girl.

I didn't even pay attention.

She was right, I needed my own life. But still, why did she have to be so dramatic all the time? It was like she had a disorder, but she didn't.

I went back to what I was doing with a shrug. I don't care what happens to her. My eyebrows furrowed together anyways.

Ash's POV.

I blinked back tears and kept running, running until my lungs burned and my throat gasped for air.

Then I stopped and collapsed onto some person's yard, letting my frame squish the grass.

I looked up at the sky and watched the clouds. They moved abnormally fast.

I found shapes and smiled to myself, because they were so random.

"Excuse me."

I sat up and fixed my hair, and saw the girl again.

"Oh!" I said, "I'm sorry I ran into you." I was calm now, and I felt bad.

She shrugged and extended a pale hand. I looked at it, and her nails were painted white and cut short. I took it and stood up, then let it my fingers drop to my side.

"I'm Ash, by the way." I smiled faintly.

"Pleasure." she said, not smiling or giving her name, and then, she walked around me and sashayed down the sidewalk.

"Rude," I breathed.


I have full permission to post this chapter by @HEY-girly


@Hey-girly is a great writer who loves writing!

Make sire to read her books!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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