Chapter 2 (The fight)

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Mineta: "I'll show you"

Y/N: "Nahhh anyone else," I ask while looking around the room

Todoroki: "I can do it"

Y/N POV: I look around to see who is speaking only to find a very calm teenage boy sitting in the back with his hand raised. The Bi-colored hair boy comes up to me as I'm looking closer. I see a scar on his right eye. I'll have to ask about that later but right now I followed the boy to the changing rooms where he then said.

Todoroki: "Here you go" and then left.

Y/N: 'Ok that was weird, but time to get ready for training'

NARRATOR: Time skip to after changing Y/N is on the training grounds

Aizawa: "Okay everyone we will first do some sparring, the winner moves on to the next person. Our first pair is Kirishima and Y/N."

Kirishima: 'Sweet I get to fight them' he walks to the center of the field and activates his quirk

Y/N: 'So his quirk is Hardening... What to make...What to-... I know I'll make a steel staff and shield' I pick up the rocks on the ground and turned it into what I needed

Aizawa: "There is no countdown in fights"

Y/N POV: And on that note the red haired boy came running towards me while i stood there waiting for him to make the first move.

Izuku: 'Why aren't they dodging'(mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter)

Y/N POV: I wait for the right time and just when he goes to punch I quickly dodge with the shield, grab his arm and push him with my staff to the ground. "GET UP," I say "I'M HERE TO FIGHT NOT PLAY"

Izuku: 'They seem to be trying to get Kirishima to use his full power'

Kirishima: 'So they aren't holding back well then neither am I'

Y/N POV: After saying that I realized that he was going easy on me because he then hardened his body to what looked like his limit. "I see you are holding back, guess now we can fight like the heroes we strive to be" I say. But I then realized one huge problem: I can only make 10 items a day and I already made three items meaning I can only make 7 more. 'What can be highly useful right now' I thought 'Lets make smoke bombs to create a distraction and attack from behind' and that is exactly what I did. Once all the smoke cleared I had Kirishima pinned down and still had enough energy to walk back to class or so I thought.

Aizawa: " Alright looks like Y/N is the winner of this rou-"

Y/N POV: I was standing next to Aizawa-sensei when suddenly the world went blurry then black

Aizawa: "-nd... Y/N!!! They passed out Momo take them to Recovery Girl"

Momo: "yes sensei!" Picks up Y/N by the armpits and drags them to the nursery "poor thing it's even their first.."

Recovery Girl: "Hello Yaoyorozu who is this"

Momo:"This is Y/N L/N" She explains what happened to Y/N with the training while putting Y/N on the bed gently "It's even their first time but they were pretty strong"

Recovery Girl: "Ok dear set them there and you may go to your class"

Momo: "Yes ma'am"

NARRATOR: It's now the end of the day and everyone has gotten dorms except Y/N they are waking up

Y/N: "God my f*cking head is killing me.." I say while sitting up

Recovery Girl: " Language Dear but glad your up I will have someone show you to the dorms"

Y/N: "Okay thanks I appreciate it" Time to wait

NARRATOR: Around 5 minutes later

???: "I'm here Recovery Girl"

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