Through the Trapdoor

Start from the beginning

The others turned their attention to Harry, understanding dawning on their faces. Gryffindors, known for their bravery and selflessness, recognized the noble sacrifice Ron was willing to make for the greater good.

Hermione: No, Ron, you can't!

Ron closed his eyes, steeling himself for what he believed was the only option.

Hermione: There must be another way!

"Oh, Hermione, you really need to learn how to play chess," Ron remarked with a chuckle.

"Hell no," Hermione retorted, her frustration evident. "I haven't got a clue how to even play that game."

Ron couldn't help but chuckle at Hermione's candid response.

Ron turned to face Hermione, his expression resolute.

Ron: Do you want to stop Snape or not? Harry, it's you that has to go on. I know it. Not me, not Hermione, you.

Harry nods.

Ron: H-3.

Ron's horse moves forward, slides and stops.

"Oh my God, Ron, you're going to get hurt," Molly exclaimed, her worry evident in her voice. "Get off the knight!"

"Mum, we were not actually riding the pieces. We were just standing and commanding," Ron clarified, trying to alleviate his mother's concern.

Ron: Check.

"I forgot to say Check!" Ron exclaimed, his tone filled with a sense of urgency as if the fate of the entire world depended on it.

"Ron, it was 32 years ago, for Merlin's sake!" Harry retorted, exasperation evident in his voice.

Ron simply looked disappointed.

The Queen turned and advanced menacingly, causing Ron's breath to quicken as he clutched the steel reins tightly. His heart raced with anticipation as the Queen came to a sudden stop.

"SMASH!" The force of the blow sent Ron flying off the horse, and he landed on the floor, unconscious.

Ron: Ahhhh!

Mrs. Weasley bursts into tears as she rushed to Ron's side, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"Oh, my poor baby!" Mrs. Weasley sobbed, holding Ron tightly in her arms.

"Mum, ughh, you're... choking me," Ron managed to struggle out, his voice strained.

Mrs. Weasley gave him a sad smile before releasing her grip and returning to her seat, her heart heavy. 

Harry: RON!

Hermione began to move towards Ron, her instinct to help kicking in.

Harry: NO! Don't move! Don't forget, we're still playing.

"That must have been incredibly difficult," Scorpius remarked, his imagination unable to comprehend being in such a position with Albus.

"It was," Hermione nodded solemnly, her mind flashing back to the intense emotions and pressure of the moment.

Hermione quickly retreated, obeying Harry's command, and returned to her position on the board.

Harry advanced diagonally in front of the King, his heart pounding with anticipation. With a determined gaze, he declared;

Harry: Checkmate.

The King's sword fell to the ground, signaling victory. Harry released a sigh of relief before he and Hermione hurried to Ron's side, bending beside him with concern etched on their faces.

Harry: Take care of Ron. Then, go to the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right...I have to go on.

"Wait, we're not heading to the Potions riddle?" Harry questioned dryly.

"I suppose not. It might appear dull on screen," Hermione reasoned, causing Harry to reluctantly agree.

Hermione: You'll be okay, Harry. You're a great wizard, you really are.

Harry: Not as good as you.

"Well, Mum, you're not a wizard. You're a witch!" Rose interjected, shocked that her mother had momentarily forgotten the distinction.

Hermione couldn't help but chuckle at Rose's innocent observation, amused by her daughter's keen sense of semantics.

Hermione smiled softly, her eyes reflecting warmth and affection.

Hermione: Me? Books and cleverness? There are more important things. Friendship, and bravery. And Harry, just be careful.

"You threw your arms around me and hugged me tight," Harry recalled with a grin.

Hermione blushed at the memory. "I was worried, okay?" she defended herself, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"It's okay!" Harry reassured her, his grin widening as he appreciated her concern and friendship.

Harry nodded in understanding and stood up, his expression determined as he began to walk away, leaving Hermione and the others behind.

"Time for the most important," Hermione whispered, holding her breath in anticipation of the challenge that lies ahead.

This marks the culmination of my lengthiest chapter yet, albeit regrettably, also the most mundane. I'd like to address a few points:

I'll be updating every alternate day, adhering to a strict schedule of 10:30 PM (+5:30 GMT), though occasional deviations of a few minutes may occur.While I won't harbor animosity towards Dumbledore, certain characters will harbor reservations regarding his actions throughout the years.Expect the presence of Scorbus.

Thanks for reading <3
Lots of love



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