the other woman gasped gently as she realised who it was "aww, saber didn't you have a crush on him when you were like ten?" sabers eyes blew wide in embarrassment while his sister keeled over with laughing "mum? what the hell"

noah stood awkwardly, letting out a little chuckle as saber ran to the kitchen, grabbed a picnic basket and then pulled him out of the house, not even bidding his moms and sister goodbye.

the two climbed into noah's car, saber instantly connecting his phone to the car so he could play his music. they were both silent, saber because he was embarrassed and noah because he did not do social interactions.

the soft hum of paper mache world by matilda mann floated out of the car speakers, making both saber and noah smile a little. noah knew this song, heck it was in nearly all of his playlists. the song reminded him of saber, that's why he liked it so much.

"uh i'm sorry about them, they're really embarrassing" saber said as he scratched the back of his neck, his cheeks and the tips of his ears were still dusted pink. "it's okay sabe, nothing to be embarrassed about, everyone had a crush on me in middle school"

neither of them knew where the sudden burst of confidence came from him, but it ended up in them both bursting out with laughter, their breath rising into a cloud of happiness. as noah calmed down, saber continued to laugh, and really, it was a beautiful sight to see.

his nose wrinkled up, as did his eyes, and noah thought that was rather captivating. his laugh was genuinely like music to the boys ears, he could listen to it all day. at this point, he was beginning to believe that he would definitely find everything about saber beautiful.

the car ride to the park they were going to continued as did the music that was blaring from the car speakers. rule the world by take that was currently playing which was, coincidentally, both of their favourite song right now, so you best believe they were screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs, enjoying each other's company.

saber couldn't help but think about how the rule of 'i don't do crushes' was beginning to vanish the more and more he talked to the boy, and at this point, it wasn't even worrying him. normally if he took even the slightest bit of interest in someone, he'd totally freak out, but it was different when it came to noah.

noah wasn't like anyone else he'd been friends with, he actually cared for him and looked out for him. he actually listened to him rant about his current hyper fixation, even if it was something extremely weird, and he couldn't help but melt at the thought of him actually caring that much.

noah eventually pulled into the parking lot for the place they would be spending their day. "i baked the cookies you wanted by the way" saber said as he scanned the overly crowded park for a more secluded place to sit, just so noah wouldn't be as nervous.

"did you? i thought you were joking about all that!" he kept his voice low, unsure if anyone around them would somehow recognise him and approach him. he realised he didn't even have his mask and glasses with him to hide incase that did happen.

"of course i wasn't joking, and are you okay?" saber asked, gently placing his hand in ranboos, giving it a light squeeze as if to tell him that he isn't going anywhere. "yeah i'm just nervous about someone recognising me or you is all" he replied, letting his empty hand ruffle through his hair.

"well i know a spot that's never as busy, only old people go over there as it's quieter" he smiled up at the taller boy and pulled him to the place he was talking about. noah continued to point his head towards the ground, still nervous despite sabers attempt of calming him down.

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