"You read my mind. Didn't you?" Wild Card asked

"Yeah," Tiger answered before an awkward silence filled the room

'Damn it Wild Card! Stop staring and just kiss her already!' He thought making Tiger walk closer to him

"Go ahead I won't mind," She whispered with a small smile

"I- um w-what are you talking about?" Wild Card asked pretending not to know anything

"Don't play dumb. I know how much you're dying to kiss me. So, I'm giving you a chance plus I've been dying to kiss you too," Tiger answered making him blush

"Or I could keep you waiting," He whispered smirking

"You know I won't let you forever," She whispered back

Wild Card smiled before he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss

"I've missed you. I've missed how you would tease me every day, how you would encourage me, and I just missed you and me together," He whispered

"I've missed you too," Tiger replied

"So, I know this really is not the best time but will you be my girlfriend again?" Wild Card asked

"I'd love to," She answered and he kissed her

As soon as they kissed the haunting memories of the past were lifted and instead replaced by the happiness of being together again

(Tiger's Pov)

"Oh um, I have something for you! I got this last year but you know," Wild Card said pulling a small box out of his pocket and handing it to me

"Woah..." I whispered opening it and a nice necklace that matched the pendant was in the box

"Now you can remember me everywhere you go," He said

"It's beautiful. Thank you, Wild Card. You didn't have to," I replied taking it out

"I know but I wanted you to know how special you are to me," Wild Card whispered

"Can you help me put it on?" I asked

"Yeah," He answered taking it and putting it on me

"How do I look?" I asked

"Beautiful as always," Wild Card replied

I hugged him and he returned the hug before we heard Missy from the monitor

Hey, Wild Card, old buddy. Are you and Tiger in the ship's control room yet?" Missy asked 

 Wild Card walked over to the monitor and spoke through the speaker "We sure are. Just like we planned, old buddy," He said

"You were working together?" Ojo asked

"Suprise! I even sent them on a secret mission. Isn't that right, Tiger?" Missy said

"Yep! And when the team leader tells you to do something, you hop to it," Wild Card and I said pressing some buttons  

"Since when did you accept Missy as the leader?" Ojo asked

"Since the tunnel... when she told us you were an alien spy," Wild Card continued trying to find a way to bring the shield down

"Ojo's an alien spy?" All the others said in sync

"Yep. Ojo's a spy," Missy said

"You knew. How'd you figure it out?" Ojo asked as tiny tentacles came out from her back

"You accidentally gave it away in one of your own drawings. Your art never lies," Missy answered

"You work for Granada, don't you? Or does Granada work for you?" Missy asked

"They all work for me," Ojo said as Facemaker ran in

"What the... Ojo's an alien!" Facemaker said pointing at her

"We know!" Everyone said 

"And now you can be impressed...and defeated...as soon as we figure out which button removes the shield," Wild Card said 

"Hey, babe you think this is it?" I whispered pointing at a button with a shield 

"Oh!" He said walking over and pressing the button as the shield went down everyone cheered before Ojo interrupted "I hate to spoil your celebration...but there are still two minutes left. The game's not over yet," She said before she started drawing. Everyone just stared at her until monsters came out of her Ipad.

"Who knew an Ipad could be used for evil," I whispered 

"Tell me about it," Wild Card whispered back before we heard the door

"Come on in. It's broken. I mean it's open," He said grabbing my hand while the guards walked in with Miss Granada coming in last

"Wild Card, Tiger You have to keep those shields down!" Missy said from the monitor

"Don't worry, Missy we're on it," I replied

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, hmm? Turn into a bowling ball? Claw me?" Miss Granada asked 

"Sure...if that's what I want. I can control my powers now. Working with Missy helped me realize I was so busy trying to prove everyone else wrong when I should have been concentrating on proving myself right. Missy was only part of my success but Tiger continued to believe in me despite our break up. No matter what she always believed and encouraged me. They believed in me. Now I believe in myself," Wild Card said crossing his arms

"Oh, right. And you think that's enough. Believing in yourself," Miss Granada said mocking Wild Card

"You tell us. Let's do this," Wild Card said  

"Let's take them. Attack!" Miss Granada yelled

"Hey, babe?" I asked

"Yes, darling?" Wild Card answered while the guards charged at us but we both punched them

"You know that saying You Mess With The Bull You Get The Horns?" I asked

"Yeah," He replied punching another guard

"Well let's change it to You Mess With The Tiger You Get The Claws," I whispered lunging at two guards while he charged at the others. I ran past one of the guards and knocked the other down before I walked past the other guard slowly and flipped my hair before winking and standing next to Wild Card while he wrapped his arm around my waist and we switched spots

"Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to stare at other guy's girlfriends?" He asked before fighting with the guard while I took the other one. Wild Card froze the guards while I knocked a guard out as he was being frozen leaving only Miss Granada and she tried to stand confidently

"Boring," I whined walking up to her and punching her. As she stood up Wild Card spoke up

"And my personal fave...The freeze ray," Wild Card said freezing each guard before he froze Miss Granada 

"Beaten by two children one with claws and the other who couldn't control his powers. I wonder how that would look on your resumes. Don't you?" I asked walking up to Miss Granada before Wild Card pulled me back

"As much as I love you. You might want to calm down a bit," He whispered

"You're no fun," I whispered back

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