Chapter 2

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When I got to the café early the next morning, I found the oven that hadn't been working right torn apart all over the floor. I was super irritated that James left the oven the way he did. I had to step across parts to get through the kitchen.

"What's all this?" Alison asked, coming in shortly after me.

"James was supposed to be fixing the stove last night after we closed. Apparently, he hasn't finished the job," I explained.

"Great!" she said. "How exactly are we supposed to get anything done today? We have to make treats for the window, and you have that big order of cupcakes to do. What are we going to do?"

What I wanted was for her to stop talking. I already knew everything she was saying. Her reminding me wasn't helping my anxiety. I should have told James to wait on taking care of the oven. I knew it didn't work the best, but I had become accustomed to it and was able to manage the temperature myself. Now I was without an oven altogether. I didn't know what I was going to do.

"Start making up the dough for the breads and desserts. We will do what we can for now and as soon as an appliance store opens, I'll go see if we can acquire a new stove today," I announced. I didn't want to have to buy a new stove, but I didn't see any other option at this point. When James came in, he would have some explaining to do.

Alison and I spent the early morning hours making up the doughs and batters for all the treats we made. We decided to create some cake pops with leftover cake from the day before and use those as our special for the day. We would place them on display at half-off and hope more customers would be enticed to purchase them instead. It seemed like a great idea.

When the other employees started to show up shortly before we opened, I placed my hands on my hips and looked at James irritatingly. "I know," he began. "I left it a mess. But I had to go buy a part and it didn't work, so I thought I'd go home for the night and do some research to see if I can figure it out. I think I might know what's wrong with it now. I can have it fixed in a few hours."

"We don't have a few hours," I stated angrily. "There are things that need baked now. I thought when you said you were planning to fix it, you would continue until you did, or at least put it back the way it was. I could manage even with the troubles it had."

"I'm sorry. I'll start working on it right away," he said.

"While you do that, I'm going to see if I can find another stove that can be delivered immediately," I announced.

I let Alison know she was in charge while I was gone and quickly headed to the closest appliance store. Unfortunately, no one was available to deliver a stove. I went to another one and was faced with the same issue. I was about to give in and strap one to the top of my car if I had to. I came across a small restaurant equipment store and thought I might try there. I assumed I'd have the same issue again and probably be charged far too much considering they were a specialty store, but I was desperate and willing to do whatever I had to.

I walked into the empty store and was greeted by a pleasant enough woman. "How can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm in desperate need of a stove," I explained. "I own the Sanditon Steamy Brew Café and our stove is on the fritz. I need something immediately that works properly."

"The Sanditon Steamy Brew Café?" she repeated. "I've heard of that place. You just recently opened, didn't you?"

"We did. Just a couple months ago," I answered. "I'm Charlotte Heywood.

"Yes, my brother goes in there quite often. He says it's the best place to get a cup of coffee or a danish," she explained. For whatever reason, my first thought about who she was talking about went straight to Sidney Parker.

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