My Missing Piece

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My heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest

But I place my hand where it's supposed to be and I feel it beating and I know its still there

My chest hurts

I feel like I can't breathe

But I place my hand in front of my mouth, I feel the air escape my lungs and I know I'll continue to be

My body aches and I feel like I can't move

But I get up and walk and I know that, that isn't true

My stomach turns and the idea of food makes me sick

But I eat and nothing happens as time continues to tick

I think and I realize that through all this

My ripped heart, empty lungs, aching body and turning stomach one thing was missing

One thing that I feel I need to survive and that one thing is you

I know you're not here

I guess I'll be alright

But without you

I don't wanna be alive

My Missing PieceWhere stories live. Discover now