A present from your good friend, Robotnik

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(Ori's P.O.V.)

Happy birthday to me. I'm a year older and it has been exactly two weeks since the "penned in" incident. As a result of that incident I have officially thrown out every pen I own. Wouldn't want to accidently repeat that mess again. A knock on the door interrupts my train of thought. I open it to find Orbot and Cubot with some large wooden crate with Eggman's logo. "Hello Miss Ori and happy birthday to you." Orbot starts but is interrupted by Cubot. "Boss wanted to give you something to celebrate your big day!" He gestures to the wooden crate. I let them in and they notice Axel playing on the floor with a ball of yarn. He's less a mobian cat and more of a house cat but the circumstances of his appearance is a story for another time. I watch as Orbot and Cubot guide the Eggpawns carrying the crate. "Have a good day Miss Ori." "Happy birthday Ori! See ya around!" I swear those two are such a pair. Now about this crate. When the Eggpawns dropped it in the living room, I noticed Axel bolted out of the room. I'll have to comfort him later. Poor boy. I notice a note attached to the crate. I pull it off to read it. I hope Eggman didn't send me something weird. "Happy birthday, Ori, my fellow villain. I've given you a little something to make your evil schemes a little easier to hatch. He's programmed to be the perfect roommate. Enjoy" Oh boy. I forgot Eggman still thinks I'm a villain. The incident is really coming back to bite me. I hear the crate break open and to my shock I see none other than Metal Sonic with a ribbon on his head. In his hands is an instruction manual which he carelessly tosses aside. I hear the metallic equivalent of a sigh, "I think there has been a mistake."

My Roommate is made of MetalUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum