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     Unknown trudged her way down the streets of Devil Town. It was dark and she wasn't in the best condition. She had cuts covering her left arm that weren't going to care for themselves. Luckily for her, she was on her way to and old friends house. An old friend she was sure would help with her situation as the wounds weren't the only problem she currently faced.

"267... 268... Ah!" Unknown halted in front of a mailbox numbered '269' and chuckled. "Heheh, 69..." She sneered as she proceeded to walk up the stairs of the porch, leading her to stand in front of a purely painted white door with a square window. Curtains were covering it from the inside, preventing anyone to see inside. In other words, serving it's purpose.

Unknown raised her well hand and pounded on the door. Immediately afterwards, a loud thud followed by a muffled screech could be heard from inside. Unknown chuckled, trying not to burst into laughter. A few minutes later, the door that stood in front of her swung open, revealing a short, white, female cat with lavender fur patterns decorating her body. On top of her head were small white horns, curved much like a goats. She was rubbing the back of her head in pain as she looked up to see what the disturbance was.

"May I help-" She stopped her question as she realized who stood in front of her. Eyes widening, she starts to lower the arm that was behind her head.


"Hey Floofer! Long time no see, eh?" Unknown said confidently, putting her hand on her hip and smiling. The short cat gave a smile back, except the smile was full of anger and panic.

"Hi... Unknown. I didn't think I'd see you around here, and I thought it'd stay that way." She said sarcastically. Smile quickly dropping from her face, she crosses her arms. "And it's Floofie, not Floofer."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, Floofer. Mind letting me in?" Unknown says as she proceeds to walk through the door. Floofie gives her an aghast look as she watches her enter her home. "You didn't even let me answer..." She says whilst shutting the door and locking it once again.

"Ah, feels nice to be back," Unknown stretched her back and turned towards Floofie. "And to see your face again." She continued as she poked the cats forehead. Floofie swats her hand away in annoyance and grunts. "Alright, drop the filler talk. What are you here for and what do you want from me?"

"Ooo, you're a feisty one today!" Unknown says as she shakes her hand in slight pain. "So, you really just want me to get to the point, huh?" She chuckles while plopping down on the beige couch behind her. "Well, im just in a little bit of trouble with some higher up folks and I need a place to lay low for now."

"And you come to me for help? I'm a sheriff y'know, I should be the last person you rely on for crime. Hell, I could turn you in for all you know."
"But I know you wouldn't do something like that, now would you?" Unknown crossed her legs swiftly and leaned forward. "After all, I helped you escape the need to rely on crime yourself, remember?"

Floofie sighed and crossed her arms. "Okay, we both know you did help me escape the life of being a criminal, but that doesn't mean I owe you any favors!" She scoffed.
"But, in fact, it does," Unknown said, standing up and leaving her place on the couch. "I haven't bothered you once in two years, while also covering up the crime you've done by taking the blame. The most you could do is do something for me when I need it the most!"

Floofie dropped her arms to the side, her face scrunching up with remorse. After a second or two, she let out another sigh and face palmed. "Fine... what do you even need from me?" Unknowns face lights up with joy as she wraps her well arm around Floofie. "I knew you'd come around, Floofer! Like I said earlier, I just need a place to stay, that's all."

Floofie looked down at Unknown's other arm which were covered in cuts. 'How did I not notice that before?' She thought, as she grew worried. "What happened to your arm?" Floofie said, disregarding what Unknown had said before.
"Oh, these?" Unknown flailed her arm a little and chuckled. "Kind of what happens when you're a criminal that's on the run from other criminals. Don't worry about 'em though, they don't hurt a whole lot." Floofie grabbed the wounded arm, catching Unknown off guard.

"They look serious though, they need to be taken care of." Floofie says in a serious tone, leading her to open a nearby cabinet obtaining a First Aid kit. She brings some bandages and disinfectant wipes back and started to care for her arm.
"Y'know, I could of just done that myself." Unknown says in annoyance, observing as the cat tended to her wounds. "But you're not the sheriff with training here, are you?" Floofie says jokingly as she wraps the bandage around her arm. Unknown laughs while trying to keep still. "Hah, you're too funny!"

Once finished, Floofie lets Unknowns arm down and puts her hands on her hips. "Done!" She says triumphantly. "No need to thank me." She adds as she walks toward a desk covered in papers as well as where a laptop sat.
"I have some work to get back to if you don't mind. The guest room is upstairs to the left." Floofie says as she sat in a large, black office chair and started typing.

"Gotcha." Unknown says as she proceeds to walk towards the stairs. After taking a trip up the stairs and into the room, she falls onto the bed, back facing the mattress. She closes her eyes as she was starting to feel that maybe things were going to work out... for now at least.

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