Chapter 12- The Biggest Threat Yet (also: Plus Est En Vous)

Start from the beginning

Varian gestured to me to go first.
I giggled and placed a little kiss on his cheek before going up.
Eugene started talking to him.

"So, uh, Varian, we're buddies and all, yea?"
Eugene asked with a bit of a worried sounding voice.

"Yea, 'Team Awesome', remember?"
Varian replied.

I almost laughed, but I didn't want them to know I listened to the conversation.

"And that thing with the members of the brotherhood getting hypnotized and all...?"
Eugene continued.

"Ah-Ha! Y/N and I were informed about the situation."
Varian said, starting to get suspicious.
I was too.
What is Eugene trying to say...?

"Wasn't your father a member of the brotherhood...?"
It hit us from nowhere.

"My dad... listen, Eugene, my father is just fine!"
Varian was a little pissed- like how dare Eugene say this about Quirin.

"A-Alright, J-Just saying...
Forget this even happened..."
Eugene apologized and started climbing. I picked up my pace, arriving to the top.

In front of us was a giant, stone wall covered in writings.
I whispered as I touched the tomb.

Varian walked next to it, observing everything.

"So there isn't a door."
Eugene went straight to the point.

"No... but there's a riddle!"
Rapunzel pointed at a section carved into the stone tomb.

"I grow but I do not live,
I need air but I do not breathe.
What could this be...?"
Rapunzel read.

The girls exclaimed.
Everyone looked in their direction.

"Oops! Sorry, we are playing a guessing game.
But the answer to the riddle is fire."
Lance said as it were nothing.

"Fire... fire! Of course!"
I exclaimed.

Rapunzel activated a chemical torch from Varian's backpack and put it next to the scribbles.
Everyone stared with amazement, and Varian and I stared in pure excitement as the writings glowed and revealed a passage inside.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe that we are in Demanitus's tomb! I'm sure it'll be filled with-"
I got cut off from a banana peel thrown into my face.
"Monkeys. There are a lot of monkeys."
I say, not impressed. Varian was trying not to laugh.

We split up and look around.
After a few seconds, Rapunzel called us to see a book she found- it had the plans for the machine!
I arrived immediately, but Varian was too busy with examining a machine with Lance.

"Great. We found it. Let's get out of here already."
Eugene said, desperate to get far away from all of those monkeys.

I walked over to Varian.
"Well, V', did you find out what this machine is?"
He just looked at me with a stupid face.
"V-Varian...? Uh..."
I was very confused.

"I'm down here!"
I heard his voice.

"What do you mean? I'm practically holding you- WHAT THE HELL?!"
I shouted as I saw a monkey talking to me.

"Yea, Y/N. That's me. Lance just PRESSED A FEW BUTTONS!"
Varian the monkey shouted.

"Well, uh, good news! Rapunzel has found the plans so-"
I look behind me.
"What the hell is going on??"

I look at Lance. He was about to press a button, and the machine was in my direction.
I dodge the laser and TACKLE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS MAN-

Varian x reader ^-^ (Tangled The Series) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now