Chapter 2

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Next Day

Laura's pov- I got up at 5:30 am. To get ready for school? No. EverydayMy dad wants me ME to clean the whole house from basement to his room. I've been doing this since I was 5. My punishment was even if it's clean he would .... Rape me. Yes since I was 5 till now. I'm tired of it. Sometimes if mom is home she'll help to. I try and scream to tell Vanessa to help but he'll says " You want me to go get Skylar" . I say no. Skylar is my baby sister. I will suffer more pain and die for her. Anywho it's 6:00 am. And I finished and here he comes.
Damanio- ( looks around ) it's spotless
Laura- ( started to leave)
Damanio- where you going come on to my room
Laura- ( started to cry) ( went to his room with him)

With Vanessa

Vanessa- Laura should be back by now ( heard Laura scream)
Skylar - what's that noise
Vanessa- I don't know but ( gave her headphones ) put these on and--
Skylar- Laura could be in trouble I wanna help
Vanessa- you're helping stay here please
Skypar- okay ; put the headphones on and went to sleep)
Vanessa- ( followed the scream lightly) ( peeked through the door and saw Laura being raped by her dad) ( busted through the door) WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING
Laura- ( crying in pain) VANESSA LEAVE BEFORE
Damanio- (threw Laura to Vanessa ) take the slut I don't care. I got what I wanted ( went back to sleep)
Vanessa- ( put her housecoat over Laura) come on

In their room

Skylar- What-- Laura what's wrong
Laura- ( crying)
Vanessa- dad raped her.
Skylar- ( gasped)
Vanessa- Laura how long this been going on
Laura- it doesn't matter
Skylar- ya it does
Laura- it started when I was 5 ( crying )
Vanessa- I was 7 why didn't you say anything
Laura- he said if I tell or screamed he'll rape Skylar. I prefer it to be me instead of her or you
Skylar- ( gave her a t- shirt and some pj shorts) here put this on
Vanessa- ( looked it's 6:45) do you still wanna go to school today
Laura- ya I'm a go take a shower and get dressed ( went to their bathroom)
Skylar- I feel bad for her
Vanessa- I do to go pick your uniform out and when Laura gets out take a shower
Skylar- ( nods)
Vanessa- I'm a go and make dad breakfast ( left)

Skylar P. O. V. - my sister took up for me. I feel so bad for her. I'm a make it up to her I'm a have Sabrina ( my best friend) mom take us to Forever 21. I just have to ask Ness. Laura wanted that Beatles top but it cost 23. Sabrina knows I told her not to tell because they will separate us . Laura came out wearing a short sleeve elephant top with blue jeans and blue sneakers . I take a shower

Laura- ( eats some eggs and bacon with orange juice)
Vanessa- you look nice
Laura- thanks
Vanessa- I'm sorry but it's gonna be over soon
Laura- how? ( drinks some orange juice)
Vanessa- just trust me okay?
Laura- okay ( put her sink in the kitchen)
Skylar- ( dressed in uniform ) hey
Vanessa- hey Sky Eat and when I come out we're leaving ( left)
Skylar- ( eating a bacon and eggs sandwich with Apple juice) Laura can I stay over Sabrina's house today after school
Laura- No not today okay
Skylar- but she's moving soon and --
Laura- I'll talk to Ms. Carpenter when we drop you off and we will see
Skylar- ( smiles and put her dishes in the sink) thanks ( put her new coat on)
Laura- ( started washing dishes and put them up and straighten the beds)
Vanessa- let's go it's 7:07 am

At Lovely Dale Middle School
Laura- I have to talk to Sabrina mom be right back( got out the car with Skylar) hi Elizabeth
Elizabeth - morning Laura
Laura- um Skylar was wondering could she come over your house after school
Elizabeth- of course
Laura- me or Vanessa will pick her up around 7:30?
Elizabeth- perfect bye girls bye Laura ( pulled out)
Laura- I'll see ya tonight have a good day ( hugged)

Vanessa- ( driving to Laura school) is she staying over
Laura- ya I'll pick her up at 7:30.
Vanessa- okay I be home maybe a little late
Laura- college test right
Vanessa- ya ( parked the car) I see ya ( hugged ) bye Laura I love you
Laura- bye Ness love ya too ( got out)

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