A Promise of Reunion

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AN: i like the ib rpg maker game alot and i ship garry x ib ( older) so i decided to do a fanfic for it. btw i am making garry slightly younger and ib slightly older so its not a giant age gap. ib will be 12 and garry will be 17.

A Promise of Reunion


I found myself standing In front of a large painting.

"??? World" I read.

'I wonder what that first word is' I thought.

"What was I Doing again?" I asked myself, but with no answer. I decided to look around. I walked toward the stairs to the first floor ,but a painting caught my eye.

"This painting is different from the others." I said looking at the painting, it was a painting of a blonde girl in a green dress. she was holding 6 roses a red one, an orange one, a yellow one, a green one, a blue one, and a purple one.

"A rainbow of roses." I read, that was the name of the painting.

"for some reason I feel fear and rage when I look at this." I muttered, but decided it was about time I check out down stairs. i walked down the plain white stairs and headed to the other area, where i saw a paint on the ground, it was called adyss of the deep. the painting was strange it felt almost like i was being pulled in but my gut feel was telling me to leave so i did. i walked down a hall and found a large sculpture of a thorny rose, which lost some of its petals, in front of the sculpture stood a man he had unusual purple hair. i aproached the man and tugged on his coat, for some reason i felt unusually comfortable talking to him, i felt like i could trust him not the normal vibe you get from a stranger. when he turned to me i felt a my head throb and winched at the pain.

" h-hey are you ok?" the man asked, worry in his voice. the headache left as quickly as it came and i stood up right again.

" y-yea i'm fine." i replied, looking up at the tall man.

" glad your ok ib" he said but quickly he covered his mouth and a look of shock covered his face, mine as well.

" i dont know why i just said that i dont know who that is, it just came out." he continued.

" i'm ib" i piped up and he gave me a shocked look

" for some reason i feel like i know you. have we met before?" the tall stranger asked i shook my head. he then reached into his pocket and felt something he pulled it out to reveal that it was my hankerchief.

" look it says ib on it!" she said surprised, then i told him how it belonged to me.

" wow so i do know you!...wait i remember a girl gave this to me... a girl named ib, ib gave this to me when i was cut by and evil girl. this is yours, do you remember ib, you let me barrow it back there. do you remember?" the male rambled. when he mentioned giving the hankerchief to him and mary, my head throbbed again and a memory flashed in my head. i remember a blonde girl with a knife coming at me and a man with purple hair. the blonde girl had cut the purple haired male and i ran to a torn painting and burned it, then the girl crumbled into ash.

" hey you've been quiet for a while please tell me you remember me ib." garry piped up, i remember now this man this man is garry, we survived that vial place.

" i.....i remember." i said quietly. i was then pulled into a tight hug. i was shocked by the sudden hug, and looked up to see that it was garry who pulled me into a hug, there were a few tears rolling down his cheeks i felt tears sting the corners of my eyes and roll down my cheeks. he was crying because were actually still alive and the feeling was mutual, we both were still alive. we had almost lost hope back there, hope that we would ever find a way out.

" we're alive ib....we made it"garry whispered into my shoulder, he was kneeling and hugging me i hugged him back. garry then pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears along with his own, he then stood up.

" is it ok if i hold onto this hankerchief? it wouldn't be right to give it back in this condition. i'll give it back to you when i have cleaned it up." he said and i nodded he then kneeled down and hugged me again really quickly and i felt him put something in my hand.

" it can be a promise of our reunion." he whispered then stood up quickly and left. i looked down at what was in my hand and saw a crumpled up peice of paper, i uncrumpled it and looked at what was written on it. on the small peice of paper was a phone number, at this i felt a smile form on my face, i then stuck the peice of paper in my bag and ran of to find my parents.

" mom, dad!" i shouted waving to them they turned and looked at me and smiled.

" hey we looked everywhere for you, you must have been everywhere. come now i think it's time we head home." my mother said grabbing my hand and my fathers, we all left hand in hand a smile on my face. we're sure to meet again its a...

promise of reunion

A rainbow of Roses (an ib fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now