chapter ONE

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Yn sat on her waterbed but her fatass popped it. Unfortunately she had filled it with sal cum. SILLY YN. Yn from a young age always knew she only has sexual attraction to horses.... especially ones who were brown, had a name of a food and from a rococks game named, horse valley. Yn had tried everything. She EVEN had sex with metal sonic!!!!!! Anyways, yn sat in a pool of sal cum, watching orlin fighting nik. What a beautiful marriage she thought. Than.....there was a knock on the door.....yn threw on an std infected pou shirt and answered it. And omg........such a sexy, brown, shiny horse... with blue eyeshadow....yellow teeth... long eyelashes...and plump red lips stood there, neighing. They locked eyes. Biscuit licked her piss stained teeth. Her oh so salty biscuit piss teeth.................. yn didn't have a dick, but still got a boner. Her piss hole grew 66645455454443455667700865432111234456 inches. Ejder, who was on a date with sperm dog (tommy running after his crush sperm dog, begging to let him hump spermdog, his  crush.) was poked by yns boner. Biscuit neighed to come inside. Yn didn't understand, but dragged biscuit by the crusty earwax filled ear into her home, that was beautifully decorated with photos of William, the husband of bridget and unproud father of tommy, emo fag, candy, scamp and sperm dog. Yn hurried biscuit to the kitchen, and put on some sonic x shadow porn on her LG smart TV, covered in pictures of silicone free new formulation Alberto balsam tea tree tingle conditioner for all hair types. Yn quickly made a smoothie from her shit, garlic cloves, milk, sals piss, kambucha, one of williams essential oils, bridgets sweat and blended up wood. Biscuits mouth didn't work correctly causing her to moan violently when she uses it. So she had to use her ass to drink it. Biscuit didn't like sals cum all over the floor in the living room, so cleaned it with her eyelashes. Yn cleaned her room, she didn't want biscuit to see all the hentai horses all over the floor. Yn got very horny so she masturbated furiously. Ripping off her pussy hair in the process. Yn quickly put back on her uwu catgorl maid dress and cleaned up her crusty pussy hair. Yn returned to the living room......but biscuit was gone....

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