Election [18]

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"Y/N, get up," a deep, gruff voice urges me awake.

"Shut the fuck up you yahoo, can't you see I'm sleepin here!" I groan, turning away from them and getting ready to jab with my elbow.

"Y/N. This is serious. Get out o-" the person his cut off as I jab, I look up and over, and I realise I just elbowed Eret in the bridge of his nose.

"Sleep is my forté, bitch," I sass, looking at his face, which is missing his glasses. He sighs and blinks briefly, before he gets on top of me and pins me down.

He leans close to my ear, breath tickling it. "I said. Get out of bed. Now," Eret growls into my ear. "Do you understand?" he barks. I nod my head. "I said, DO YOU UNDERSTAND, Y/N?!" his voice rises to a shout with aggression, and I look into his eyes.

"Yes sir," I whisper, feeling tiny and trapped beneath the man. "Please don't hurt me," I barely even get out, and watch as all colour drains from Eret's face, and he takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. But we need to get out of here, right now." And as he gets off of me and beckons me up, I can't help but feel like I missed out on something. An opportunity.

I get dressed, Eret waiting at the door, foot tapping at a smooth pace. I barely have time to clip my cape before he drags me out the door, his grip iron on my wrist.

"What's happening Er? Why do we have to go? Please tell me," I ask and plea more, but he just keeps hauling me along, I don't know where we're going.

Something pricks at the back of my mind, and I make a futile attempt to suppress the voice.

Y/N you dummy. The election is today! I can tell you this, as your seer, you'll get much power out of this election. Befriend The Blade. Make him trust you and all will be well. I don't see far after your friendship with The Blade, but it all looks good. Also, consider Schlatt as someone to befriend, but not ally with, he is very controlling as a businessman but a perfect person as a friend.

Why did you tell me all this?

You're too blind to see it for yourself, so I lent a hand.

Thank you. Please go back to the nook, though.

Fine. Goodbye Y/N.

Bye, Faragifu.

I tenderly return to the present from my mind, finding myself still behind Eret, but this time there's faint talking. I stop dead in my tracks, forcing Eret to stop as well.

"Eret. Before we go in there, no matter what happens, we never strike business with Schlatt, and please, let us stay together. Forever. The thing is, I'm completely and utterly in love with you."

His eyes align with mine, and he cups my face with a singular, blistered hand. "I love you too Y/N," and with that, he leans in for a kiss, his lips brushing against mine, and fireworks explode in my body. I step closer to deepen the loving kiss, clumsily finding the hair at the nape of his neck with my free hand.

It feels like our kiss lasts an eternity before we break apart, Eret's face red and my chest heaving. "Does this mean we're something?" Eret's voice breaks the delicate silence between us, as he lightly twirls some of my hair between two of his fingers.

"Up to you. Are we something?" Something in me was screaming YES! SHOUT IT TI THE WORLD FROM THE ROOFTOPS THAT WE'RE IN LOVE! and another part of me was whispering what if people don't like us together?

His eyes flicker for a second, something I've never seen happen before, but they stay stable afterwards. "I mean, would you like to be my girlfriend? We don't have to be out with it to everyone Nyx," his voice soothes, taking my initial edge off the idea. I nod, a small, affirming action.

We walk into the festival, hand and hand. I look over at Eret, and his jaw is set, a prideful smile teasing his lips. Just gazing at him made me smile, King Eret is perfect. In every. single. way.

I look around the place as we are able to properly see the place. Eret rushes me to a set of open seats, as for Wilbur's already on the stage at the mic, not talking however ready to. All the other candidates are behind him.

Wilbur speaks as I rest my head on Eret's shoulder, tuning the boring speeches out. My mind meanders over to when we kissed. Everything about it was nice.

I move away from my thoughts as Quackity speaks, somewhat listening but absorbing Eret's breath, riding and falling. Soon enough, Quackity steps back again and Wilbur takes the stand.

"I will now be announcing the election results. Everyone please quiet down," his voice echoes, I just scoff at the man that makes me feel so many indescribable words of disdain.

"In last place, we have COCONUT2020, with 9% in the popular vote. Fundy and Niki, who are you endorsed by?" Wilbur turns to them, but as soon as everyone's gaze has barely even been on them, they vanish in a small, unopaque flurry. The purple particles look almost like snow, but flit out of existence within milliseconds.

"Hm. There they go. COCONUT2020 is officially no longer a running party, as for they have abandoned the election. In second place, we have SCHLATT2020, with 16% in the popular vote! Schlatt who is your party endorsed by?" Wilbur poses the same question he did the last party, and the ram man straightens as he clears his throat.

"My party, happens to be very well endorsed if I say so myself. SCHLATT2020 is endorsed by the one and only, Dream," Schlatt's voice echoes as he makes the announcement, and I make no movement to clap, like the rest.

"Ah, very good. The runner-up for first place is SWAG2020 with Quackity and uh... where's George?" Wilbur's face has confusion etched into every crevice I can see, and Quackity steps up.

"Oh. I thought he wouldn't be needed here, so I dismissed him. Is there a problem with that?" the ravenette challenges, side-eyeing Wilbur.

"Uhm, no. Anyways, Quackity. Who is SWAG2020's endorser?" "Karl Jacobs, sir. Now please announce the final results."

Wilbur sighs before continuing, "POG2020, with 45% on the popular vote has been endorsed by Vikkstar." People begin clapping and cheering, and I squeeze Eret's arm before he does anything.

"Look. Wilbur is about to say something else," I whisper up into Eret's ear. The response from him is a nod and a pat on the head.

"Thank you, thank you but please stop clapping. Last night, Quackity of SWAG2020 and Schlatt of SCHLATT2020 made an agreement. The two agreed to pool together their votes, putting them at 46%. So, I announce the new president, Schlatt."

I cheer a lonesome whistle while Schlatt steps up, a smile touching his lips as he looks at the crowd.

Phosphorescence | Eret x fem!reader [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin