I Know I Shouldn't

Start from the beginning

- But it wasn't as though she'd ever admit it to him.

It had been hours before she made a sound, but when she did, it was one that seemed startled and frightened, something that was not so frequent during the horseback travel.

Following the peep, his right hand then left the reigns, slowly inching closer to her in a blind path before he found her tightly wound hands.

'I've found...a remedy,' He silently told her, having quickly realized that if there was anything that calmed her, it was the touch of his hands. It'd only been a silly hunch of his at first, but then, he tested out the waters, realizing that a little graze to her arm rewarded him soft pleased sighs.

'So then...what happens if I do more?' He wondered, as his warm palm grazed the smooth skin of the back of her hand, daringly moving before eventually, luring out a little sigh of relief from her as his fingers linked with hers.

It wasn't long before her own fingers curled, holding his hand down with urgency, begging him to stay longer with the act.

'- It's much different than my own,' He realized while marveling at the difference.

'Her fingers don't reach as far as mine,' He mused, 'And her whole palm is nothing but heat,' he added while pressing his to hers, merging their warmth into one.

A smile then formed on his eased expression, the tranquility it had been rested with lifted with a very faint, yet glowing form of delight,

"This lil' biddy... all she's done is complain and nag." He hummed, overall entertained by his little companion.

' - But,' He then thought with a little chuckle,' if she were out draggin' her rope, she'd have just about every man reachin' out for it.' he added with unaltered confidence, finding it right whichever way he looked at it.

'She's sweet and soft all around,' He then observed,' But with a lil spice that just adds so much more,' he explained.

'At the first taste...It's enough to turn a man into a complete saphead,' he noted, slowly easing down, brushing his lips over the (h/c) colored hair.

The little, light press was short-lived before he pulled back, a low hiss escaping him as he realized what he did.

The small bubble of serenity he'd shared with her popped, and as it did, he burst from its carelessly floating state, soon crashing down to reality.

He snatched his hand back, the resistance she'd tried to retain him with easily overpowered by the sharp move.

The soft comfort she'd been graced with was soon stolen, and Yet again, she seemed upset, but the burn he felt was far too great to cave in and repeat his mistake.

The soft heat that had touched him burned, the scathing burn crawling up his entire arm, attacking his entire body with a violent forced that seemed vengeful, cursing him for lulling her to peace before selfishly taking it back.

"She's a vixen hidden in a guise of a sweet lil' cottontail," He fumed, suggesting her innocence was nothing more than a guise.

"I ain't no fool," He said with irritation, his glaring eyes lasting only half a minute before they softened, gradually losing their raging ardor as he continued to stare at her slumbering face.

"No," He puffed, " What am I sayin'?" He then added lowly, shaking his head at his accusation, deep down within knowing that it had no ground to stand on.

"She's drivin' me insane," he then grumbled, finally tearing his eyes from her before dragging his two hands over his face, repeating the process of rubbing them up and down until he felt more lively, forcibly brushing off his sleep deprivation.

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