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Frozen in place Ashley her lips part. "Miss," asks Burns careful. Ashley, unable to answer, looks with wide open eyes at the creature in front of her.
The rotten mummy that they found this morning... it is alive! He or she walks straight towards them... It was all true. All the stories. The creature is resurrected!
"Burns, run" she utters and let's go of his arm. "Run" she yells louder. Not knowing what is going on Burns runs straight forward. "No this way" she roars and grabs Burns his shirt. She pushes him forward. "Just run straight!"
Angry growling the creature spreads his arms. With a swift movement, he hits Ashley against the floor. She bumps her head, after which everything becomes dark.
"Ashley" Ashley" she hears. Ashley opens her eyes slowly. Grunting she puts her hand on her forehead. "Evie" she asks and looks at the young woman. "Oh my, Ashley are you alright" she whispers. Suddenly it all comes back to Ashley. The mummy, burns! She hastily sits up and groans. "Steady now" Evelyn whispers and looks around. "Fuck" Ashley whispers and stands up. Evelyn follows her example. "Thank goodness you are one of the Americans right," Evelyn asks. Ashley takes a relieved breath. "Burns, thank God you are alright" she puffs. Evelyn reaches her hand towards his shoulder. Just before she touches him he turns around. His both eyes are gone.
He stares at them with vacant sockets and utters moaning sounds. Hyperventilating and screaming in horror both girls back away. Ashley bumps into a person. Her whole body trembles as she turns around. Hastily the two girls turn around and stare at the mummy his rotten face. "No" whispers Evelyn and takes Ashley her hand. Evelyn shakes her head. "This is not possible" she whispers. The mummy first looks to Evelyn and then to Ashley. Both girls slowly step backwards. The mummy his eyes slide between the two woman. First at Evelyn and back to Ashley.
Evelyn her dress is torn. Her hair got loose, and she has a little cut on her cheek. Ashley has a bit of dirt on her face together with some blood dripping from the head wound. Her blouse is ripped.
The mummy his eyes stay focused on Ashley. Then she sees it... His eyes.. Burns.. It are mister Burns his eyes. The mummy stole them. Her stomach turns and twists. "Anck su Namun" he whispers. The mummy steps forward. Evelyn hastily steps before the younger girl. She places her back against Ashley's chest. Her back rests against the stone wall. The surrounding sand seems to magnetize. Burns grumbles and moans. Suddenly Ashley notices something. Not only his eyes are gone... Also, his tongue! Her eyes slide back at the mummy. Her stomach protests. With all her power she holds the urge to vomit. The mummy looks back to Burns. With a swift move, he throws Burns on the floor and puts his skeletal foot on Burns his chest like a hunter on his prey. "Kadhees Pharos Anck Su namun" he yells and walks back to Ashley. "Stay away from her" Evelyn protests. Ashley shivers in fear. Suddenly out of nothing Rick appears from the darkness. Jonathan hastily follows him like an obedient dog. Rick steps before them.
"Would you quit playing around? Let's get out of here" he yells. "Rick notices the scared look in Ashley her eyes and turns around. "WHOA" he shouts. He holds his arm before them and slowly pushes them backward. The mummy glides away, like a tiger cornering his prey. The sand around him swirls and dances. Burns starts to crawl away, whimpering as he goes. The mummy suddenly stops and unhinges his skeletal jaw. His skinless mouth stretches to an inhuman size and let's out a horrific primordial shriek.
"Anck Su Namun" he roars. Rick looks unimpressed at him while Evelyn screams. Ashley shivers. "AHHH" Rick roars back. When this doesn't work he blasts the mummy with his elephant gun. Through smoke and flames, Ashley sees the mummy blown off his feet. His rib cage is half torn away. Hastily Rick pushes Evelyn and grabs Ashley after which he starts running.
Sand and wind race through the ruins as the O'Connells, followed by Jonathan and Evelyn stumble out of the crevice.
"Woah" groans Rick as he stumbles on ten armed men within the front, the guy who held Ashley as a captive. They hastily point their guns at them. Anger boils up within Rick. He protectively puts Ashley behind him and aims his gun at the warrior in front. Evelyn quickly raises her hands. "These are Mesias, don't do anything stupid" asks Evelyn pleading. Ashley glances at Evelyn. Mesias?
The Americans are already on their knees with hands over their heads. "Drop the gun Rick" whispers Evelyn. "So he can use her again. Never" hisses Rick between his teeth. "Just do it" whispers Ashley. Rick sighs and drops his gun. Furius he looks into the leader his eyes.
"I told you to leave or die. You refused, and now you may have killed us all. For you have unleashed the creature that we have feared for more than four thousand years. "
"Relax, I've got him" says Rick confident. "No mortal weapons can kill this creature, he is not of our world." "Are we talking about the same creature?" asks Rick. "The walking corpse? Massive mouth, bad breath?" The leader sniffs amused. "You think this is a joke" he whispers. Rick smirks. "I think you are a joke. And not a very funny one."
"Who do you think you are" grumbles the man. "Who are you," asks Rick rudely. "I am Ardeth Bay, leader of the Messiah. Secret God chosen soldiers, trained over a thousand years in order to protect the Pharaoh and their secrets. And you? Rick O' Connell." Rick looks up surprised that Ardeth knows his name. "You are a thief and a deserter, and now. Now you are the one who has dammed us all." He nods to his people. Without a word, they drag Burns up. Daniel and Henderson react horrified. "You bastards" roars Daniel. "What did you do to him" yells Henderson. "We have saved him" yells Ardeth. "Saved him before the creature could finish his work. Now leave, all of you. Quickly before he finishes you all." "You are not going to kill us," asks Jonathan. Evelyn elbows Jonathan in the ribs. "We must hunt him down. We must try to find a way to kill him before he consumes the world. May Allah be with us" Ardeth answers. Rick sigh.
"I told you, I already got him!"
Ardeth stops and looks at Ashley, deadly serious. Protective Rick comes before her and gives a dirty look to Ardeth. "Don't think about it buddy" he warns softly. "Know this" begins Ardeth and continues; "the creature will be coming for you. He must consummate the curse. And until he does, he will never eat. He will never sleep. And he will never stop". He turns again and jumps down in the crevice.

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