Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

He watched as Jenna's eyes welled with tears, "What happened to her?" She grasped his hand. She didn't seem to comprehend the last part of his statement. "Elliot, I can't lose her. Oh my God." She put her other hand over her mouth to quiet her sobs.

Elliot sat in his chair frozen. He had never seen Jenna so hysterical. Not even when Anita almost died. The thought of how close Narcissa and she must have become never crossed his mind until now. She and Jenna spent a lot of time together.

"On the bright side, your other family is doing alright." He only wanted to cheer her up. However, more tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Why can't I stop crying. Did they drug me? Can they sedate me!?" He wiped more tears off of her cheeks and laughed at her humor. She gasped, glancing over at her brother. "What happened to Draco?"

"The Aurors found him passed out in front of an old willow tree."

Jenna's eyebrow arched, "It was odd, Elliot. I found her buried in a pit, I started digging. She wasn't that deep yet..." her thick voice trailed off. It looked as if she was in some sort of daze.

"Yet, what?" Elliot asked, cautiously. "What happened out there, Jenna?"

"I pulled her up and suddenly, it felt as if all of the strength— all of the magic I had, left my body." She met his gaze. "I went to stand, but I couldn't feel my legs. Draco told me that I would be able to see him from where I had stopped, but I couldn't. That's when I knew something had happened to the both of us."

"Jenna, they found traces of deadly nightshade in all of you," Elliot admitted. "Small doses were used on Lucius and your grandparents, but there was only enough to keep them asleep for a short amount of time."

"Why do I feel like there is another "but" coming up?" Jenna groaned.

"The amounts that you and Narcissa had should have killed you." He said. "Narcissa, her entire body was covered in the soil. They said it should have killed her instantly. Then, they told Lucius that you had dug her out with your hands. That caused it to go into your bloodstream somehow. That's why you were so tired by the time you pulled your mom out."

"Draco, you forgot about Draco." Her voice was small.

"Someone spelled him was all. He hit head off of the tree on the way down." Elliot moved to the bed and wrapped his arms tightly around her. "Everyone is fine, Jen. I promise you.

"Elliot, they're not going to stop until they win." Jenna put her head on his chest. "They won't win until I'm dead."

  Elliot sighed knowing she was right. It was something they hadn't spoken of out loud. Not that it was forbidden or anything. Who wants to talk about their best friend dying? No one.

"Your family will protect you. The Malfoys, The Weasleys, Andy, Harry, and Hermione. Everyone loves you and would do anything for you. They will all protect you the way you've protected them for so long." Elliot said.

"Let us hope it doesn't come to that." croaked Draco.

"Oh my god, you're awake!" Jenna exclaimed, her voice rasping once more. "What happened to 'I'll be right back'?"

"My bad, I'll try to plan the next time someone wants to stun me around a schedule that's good for you." He rolled his eyes. "I have a bloody concussion, you prat. Show some respect."

"Draco Malfoy. Asking for respect? I never thought I would live to see the day." Jenna smirked. "And yes, I'll make a schedule for when I'm free. That way I can protect you because you clearly can't protect yourself."

"You are rather snarky for someone who was nearly poisoned to death." Draco shot back. "At least I would know what it smells like."

Jenna fumed, "At least I would know to not stand so close to a freaking tree."

"Oh, you would have bloody not have," Draco argued. "Salazar knows what would have happened to you had you gone to the tree instead."

"What? Tell me." Jenna demanded.

"You would still be in that bed!" exclaimed Draco.


  Elliot sat back and let the siblings bicker. It would only make the argument worse if he cut in. The pair had subtly turned on him before. Needless to say, he had learned his lesson. If the Malfoys want to fight, let them fight. He just hoped Lucius and Narcissa knew what they were getting themselves into.

"Children! I can hear you all of the ways from our room, at the other end of the hall!" Cygnus cut off the angry bickering.

"He started it!"

"She started it!" They declared in unison.

"I'm too bloody old for this." Cygnus rubbed his temples. "You both better put a wand in it before I hex you into silence. Lights out."

"Jokes on him, I still have their wands hidden."

"I can still hear you, Cosette!" Cygnus' voice came from the hallway. Jenna's mouth formed a small o-shape and her skin paled slightly. Draco and Elliot went into a fit of hysterics.

"Yes, it's so funny." Jenna huffed. She waved her hand and the room went dark. Her brother and best friend still laughing loudly.

  He smoothed a piece of hair away from her face. The sun had come out again, giving everyone a chance to see how silk and smooth it once was. Her eyes were lightly closed. To him, it looked as if she was sleeping.

  He held her onto her body tightly. Not caring if everyone was watching him in a judgmental way. A scream was released. He wasn't sure who it had belonged to. It wasn't him; he looked brave. Brave for someone another person who was now gone.

  A firm hand settled on his shoulder. He knew he had to let go. He looked down at her one last time. Thinking of how at peace she looked when she was sleeping. Gently, he lay her back down on the wooden floor. Not a sound was made. He looked at her chest wanting to see some kind of sign. Any sign of life that would make them all feel better.

"She's gone."

  A salty tear made its way down his cheek. He felt so weak. It wasn't as if none of them had tried to protect her. Everything that had happened today was for her. He looked again; no movement.

"Gone." He repeated.

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