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TW: emetophobia and mentions of alcohol :)

Meredith shot up out of bed sweating like crazy. She ran to her bathroom, but found the door was locked. She held her mouth shut tight, afraid if she opened it, she might let loose right then and there. She cursed herself for saying Izzie could use the bathtub whenever she pleased, knowing it was her in there. Meredith ran right to the bathroom across from her bedroom. She could hear the water running in the shower but in that moment, she could not care less who was in there. She needed a toilet immediately, or one of her dear friends would be cleaning up her vomit in the hallway.

Meredith barged in and ran to the toilet behind the small wall that separated it from the rest of the bathroom. She flung the toilet seat open and finally, spilled her guts out. It might've felt horrid and tasted disgusting, but it was the best relief she'd had.

"Dude, what the hell?" Alex yelled. He was about to say something more as he got out the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist before he walked around and saw Meredith's small form laying against the wall. She panted lightly and felt extremely light-headed. Alex rushed to her side and felt her head. She was burning up. Meredith laughed at Alex's attentiveness. Everyone thought he was an ass, but when he found out about Meredith, he was the one who cared for her most.

"You okay?" He asked. Meredith was about to say yes before she felt another round of nausea hit her. Before she knew it, she was lurched over the toilet once again as Alex held her hair back.

After a few minutes of that her stomach finally calmed down, but she still felt just as sick. She groaned, before flushing the toilet and falling straight against Alex's chest.

"I can't tell if it's the tequila or the brain tumour." Meredith whispered.

"Maybe it's both." Alex said, helping Meredith to her feet. He was worried for her friend. This seemed like more than a hangover, but he didn't want to anger her. She was feisty, and it was terrifying when she yelled. It even scared Cristina and she wasn't scared of anyone, not even the attendings.

"Come on, we just gotta get to your room, Mer."

"I hate hangovers. I had really good sex though." Meredith's voice was strained. Alex laughed at his friend's antics, though quickly returned to his worried self as she stumbled a little. He held her up even more and finally the pair made it to her bed, and he settled her in. She refused the sheets he tried to put over her and asked for a bucket in case she was to be sick again. Meredith's head was absolutely pounding and not in the way it would during her hangovers. She knew it was something more, but she didn't want to admit it. Both her and Alex knew that, but left it unspoken. This whole brain tumour thing was hard enough as it was.

They knew it was going to be a long day, and Alex wasn't even dressed yet.


Izzie walked out of Meredith's bathroom feeling completely fresh after a long relaxing bath, filled with some of Meredith's lavender scented things and a bunch of candles. The shiny smile across her face faded as she saw Meredith curled into a ball with a bucket beside the bed.

"Mer, you okay." Izzie walked up to Meredith and placed a hand on Meredith's arm.

"You used my lavender bath lotion. I told you not to do that, it's expensive." Meredith slurred her words.

"But-" Izzie countered.

"You have to buy me a new one when that one runs out. Don't think I don't know when you use it. I got you the strawberry one for a reason. Use it." Meredith snapped. Another wave of pain attacked her head, causing Meredith to curl until herself even tighter.

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