You Should Fear Us

Start from the beginning

She covered her ears, the sound of whatever had fallen was ringing in her ear.

Josie heard a thud inside the bathroom, Freya had accidently dropped a plastic cup. She looked to the two aunts before running inside. "Hope!" She called, running to the girl who was now curled up on the floor with her ears covered by the palms of her pale hands.

Josie bent down to her level, wrapping her arms around the girl. She knew what this was PTSD. Josie had it before, from that one time where she was Dark Josie. It was something she didnt like to talk about.

"You're in the bathroom" She reminded the girl "You're safe, everythings fine"

Hope lifted her head, her yellow eyes glowing. "We have to find them"

Josie helped her up against her better judgement. "We are and then we're going to turn them to the higher authorities"

"No!" Hope yelled. "Thats not justice"

"It is" Josie reminded her, her hands were still laid on the girls shoulders. "They'll be locked up for the rest of their lives"

Hope shook her head "Thats not fair, they could've killed you. I could've lost you"

"But you didnt" Josie said softly with her eyebrows raised as she stared into those cloudy blue eyes. "I'm here because of you"

"What if they escape? And next time they attack I wont be there. I cant live in fear"

"They're not going to escape" Josie kept her calm, mostly for Hopes sake.

The auburnette pushed Josies arms off her shoulders. "But what if?"

"What if they dont?" Josie said, using the girls words against her. "What if they learn from their mistakes?"

"They never do, people dont change"

"But your father did" Freya added, leaning against the door frame. "He changed for you."

Hope shook her head. "He was always good" She reminded them.

"You've killed before, why dont you agree with me on this?"

"Normally I would but we're going by Alarics rules."

Hope rolled her eyes, pushing past her aunts. "Fine"

"You leaving already" She asked stopping the four at the door, she had been with Lizzie some how they had become friends. Which was weird seeing as Cleo didnt like her, not that she'd ever say that outloud.

"Yeah" Josie replied. "We're coming with" Cleo stated, her voice was still soft and inviting but her face told you not to go against her.

"Alright, the more the merrier" Auntie K said.

We drove for an hour, the car ride was filled eith suggestions on what we'd do to stop this violence but one thing that was made clear was no killing.

Cleo was the one to convince Hope with the help of Josie.

"Split up" Freya whispered "Ill go with Josie and Hope, Keeling go with Cleo and Lizzie"

"Scream if you need anything" Hope added

Just as Hope walked through the door everything went black then she found herself waking up in her own bed.

She searched the room, empty. "What the hell?"

The auburnette threw the blankets off herself, running outside if her room just to find the blonde twin there. "Where is everybody?" She asked "Wheres my aunts?"

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