The doorbell! Finally! As I went to the door expecting the boy that somehow makes my nerves spike, but it was someone totally different. It was my best friend Shane.

"Hey," I said a little too disappointed.

"Don't get to excited I'm here," he said sarcastically.

"Haha I'm sorry, so what's up?"

"Oh, nothing. But hey I wanted to ask you a question."


"Um... I don't know how to ask you this so.... can we go out tomorrow night? You know just to see what it would be like to be more than best friends."


"if your cool with it."

"..." I couldn't say anything should I turn him down and just stick with just Shawn? No! I have a project and I am detrumined to finish it.


"Oh! Sorry, ya that'd be nice." I couldn't think but how weird it was that once I start writing about Mr.Right and my search for him that boys start to ask me out.

" Oh thank god, I was worried you'd say no and we would have a uncomfortable friendship. But I just wanted to let you know that I've liked you for a while and I hope everything turns out good."

"Me too," was all I could manage. I notice the time was close to 7:00 and Shawn would be here any minute. I had to get Shane out of here.

"Well I have to finish my homework, so later."

"Bye, see you tomorrow at 8:00. Dress nicely." Shane was rich so there was no surprise that we would go on an expensive dinner. I was so shocked by what just happened and I had to sit down, but just as my butt reached the couch the doorbell rang again. This time it was Shawn.

"Hey," he said, handing me some flowers.

"Thanks," I said as I grabbed the flowers, "they're beautiful."


"So... Are you going to tell me where we are going? Because it's driving me crazy!"

"Nope in fact you have to keep your eyes closed the whole ride. Don't want to have risk you knowing where we are going because that would ruin the whole surprise."

"Damn! Is it going to be a long drive?"


"Then I think I can handle that."

"Better!" With that we got into his car, which by the way was hot! He had amazing taste in music and every song that he played I loved. This date was amazing. When we got out of the car, I still had to keep my eyes closed even though I have a pretty good idea of where we were because of the noisy waves in front of me. As I was attempting to get out of the car, while keeping my closed, I felt something. It was warm and soft and it made crave more. It first started at my hand then it went down my back to my waist. I love it because it was Shawn. I felt another warm spot touch me and it was Shawn's other hand. I felt safe in his arms as he led me down the soft sand.

"Alright, you can look." Shawn said. Even though I guessed exactly where we were, something was different about this beach. It was him. He completed this place. Depite the fact that I could see, Shawn still kept his hands around me and held me close. I was falling hard for this guy. As we walked the beach there was a romantic Bonfire lit and awaiting us. Needless to say I was so excited. Right as we got to the bonfire, Shawn through me down on the grown and the next thing I notice was his soft lips were pressed against mine. But it wasn't rough it was soft and gentle. He knew his boundaries and this was only the first date. When we stopped we didn't say a word. And there was no need to speak. We just layed there and looked up at the stars. My head on his chest and his hands messing with my hair.

Out of nowhere he said, "Do you have family?" this was an odd question. I thought about how I should answer because I only had a brother. My parents and little sitter passed away in a grusome murder. It hurt to think about that day coming home from gymnastics practice to find my whole family, except my brother who was driving me home, dead in my house.

"I only have a brother," I said as a tear ran down my cheek.

"Oh! I'm sorry," he responded as he wiped the tear from my cheek and kissed my forehead. He sat up and so did I. I ended up sitting on his lap for comfort as he hugged me and I cried. After crying I knew that I should tell him what happened, there was not turning back now, and I told him everything about that day every detail, every feeling, every tear. 


Shawn's type: romantic, staight forward, caring, nice, loveable, (physical appearence above)

First feeling: excited, romantic

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2011 ⏰

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