♡You dad drives you home and you go straight up to bed and fall asleep.The next morning you wake up at 7am and get a shower and shave and you dry your hair and then put some makeup and get dressed♡

The next morning you wake up at 7am and get a shower and shave and you dry your hair and then put some makeup and get dressed♡

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                   ♡Your outfit♡

♡You go downstairs and see your dad♡

Dad:Hey honey


Dad:How you feeling

Nessa:Actually really happy

Dad:That's good.You ready to go to school

Nessa:Yep let's go

♡You grabs your bag and then go out to the car and get in and then your dad drives you to school and you get out of the car and everyone stares and laughs at you♡

Random girl:Did you have fun in the hot tube nessa


♡You look at her confused and then you walk on and she laugh.You see charli and riley♡

Nessa:Some girl just said did I have fun in the hot tube

Charli:Nessa I really need to talk to you

Nessa:Okay what about

Charli:There's a video going around of you and josh in the hot tube

Nessa:Okay and

Charli:Nessa you guys are having sex in it


Charli:I was tryna tell you yesterday

Nessa:Omg what am I gonna do

♡You feel someone kiss you and you turn around and see josh♡

Nessa:You know someone was filming us didn't you


Nessa:Omg you did

Charli:Wait what

♡Chase bryce and kio Come up♡

Kio:Dude you managed to do it

Nessa:Do what josh do what

♡He looks at you♡

Josh:I'm so sorry nessa

Nessa:Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on

Bryce:Nessa Josh never liked you


Bryce:It was a bet we made the night of the party

Nessa:Omg is this true

♡You say looking at him and he looks down♡

Nessa:I told you I loved you I love you and its a fucking bet

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