Chapter 2

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"How do you know about my scar?" he asked her, it was something he kept to himself that not even the wizard king knew about. 

"I have good eyes, well do you want me to heal it?" she asked again 

"What is she talking about?" asked Nozel.

William sighed before speaking. "Let's head to the meeting room I'll explain there, grab Julian too." he sighed again before leading the way to the room.

"I hope this won't take long, I need to take a dump." sighed Yami as he puffed out a smoke.


It didn't take long for them to arrive at the meeting room along with Julius, the wizard king. 

"Omg, you're the wizard king." Asta gushed staring at Julius with stars in her eyes. 

"Yes and that's some pretty cool magic you have." he said with stars also in his eyes.

"That's nothing, you shou-" her boasting was cut off by Yuno covering her mouth. "Remember why we are here." he said face palming with his free hand. 

"Yeah, yeah." she pouted before turning her attention to William.

William removed his mask to show a hideous burn looking mark that took up the top half of his face. "I had this ever since I was child and there's no way to remove it. That's why I wear a mask, so I don't scare people." he explained with a sad smile. 

The captains gave him a look of understanding before Asta yawned. 

"Um you want be to heal you or not? I'm not trying to be rude but when it reaches a certain time my body shuts down and I need to sleep." she explained hoping no one found her yawning rude.

"No magic has ever worked before." he explained hoping she'll understand what he's saying.

"Well, you've never met my magic." she winked before pulling out her four leafed grimore and casting a spell.

"You had a four leaf grimore?" asked Nozel in shock to which she denied.

"It's six leaf."

A bunch of feathers appeared in her hand before she released them onto Williams face or rather head.

"Wow it actually worked, what magic is that?" Julian asked in awe.

"Angelic magic." she said causing everyone's mouth to drop.

"It's the first time I've heard about angelic magic." said Julian thinking, he was trying to remember if he has really never heard of it before.

"I don't know my parents so maybe my mom was an angel and my dad was an elf, or the inverse." she said shrugging, she was starting to feel the the after effects of her healing magic and was struggling to stand.

"I think we should post pond out conversation. "Asta is in no condition to continue." Yuno said before the captains could continue. The captains looked at the now sleeping teen before whispering amongst themselves.

"Just give her here." Yami said before throwing her over his shoulder.

"Finral time to go" Yami yelled before a male brunette ran into the creating a portal. Yami nodded at the captains before stepping through. 


Chapters will be short and randomly updated but I hope you enjoyed ;)

Not sure what'll happen next I wrote this with no plot in mind XD.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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