Emily actually didn't spend more time eating the dough than baking, this time, because she wanted them to be perfect for JJ.

She had been tempted to invite her to bake with her, but despite JJ's initial request for Emily to tutor her, JJ had not really followed up. In fact, Emily hadn't seen much of the girl at all. The anxious part of her brain told her that JJ was avoiding her, but Emily, for the life of her, could not figure out why. Every time that she ran into JJ, the blonde seemed anxious to leave.

The clock counted down, five, four, three, two, one. The buzzer sounded. The other team hadn't managed to score another goal, so their team had won!

The crowd cheered in delight at the victory. JJ and her team jumped together, piling on top of one another in a group hug.

While the other audience members packed up their bags and blankets, chatting as they filed out of the bleachers, Emily remained, waiting for JJ.

She watched as JJ removed her cleats, shin pads and long socks, swapping them instead for a pair of boots. She zipped up her windbreaker on top of her shirt and followed her teammates as they grabbed their bags and made their move to go home.

It was now or never.

"JJ, hi!" Emily called out, waving at her from the side of the bleachers.

JJ caught her eye, then said something to her teammates, who waited for her on the edge of the field.

"Great game!" Emily said, "at least what I saw of it."

"Emily!" JJ said, smiling at her.

"I, uh-" Emily rifled through her bag. "The cookies you liked. I made some last night and thought that you may want some."

JJ's eyes widened as she took them.

"Thank you, Emily," she stated, smiling quickly. "That's very nice of you, I hope you didn't go out of your way for me."

"Oh it was no problem," Emily said, trying to keep her voice calm, "Derek practically begs me to and well, you know, it's nice to do something relaxing during midterms."

JJ nodded, then turned to look at her teammates, who were beckoning for her.

"I haven't seen you in awhile," Emily said, "Did you need any more help with your French?"

Something strange passed across JJ's face, first she looked happy, excited, but then nervous she looked away from Emily.

JJ hadn't texted her. Emily had given her number to her last Wednesday, and had received radio silence ever since.

"Uh, maybe. I'll text you if I need any help," JJ said, "I'm actually having a bit of trouble writing a presentation."

A spark of hope ignited in Emily's chest. Just as she was going to reply, she heard someone approaching them from the bleachers, clamouring down the steps from behind.

"JJ!" Penelope Garcia exclaimed, "And Emily! I didn't know you were here! You could have sat with me!"

She was dressed in a long purple peacoat and had her bright blonde hair tied up in space buns. She had a small blanket folded up in her arms that she was likely using to sit on the cold bleachers.

"I didn't see you," Emily says honestly.

"Hey Pen," JJ said, turning to her roommate, "No Spence today?"

"He has physics," Penelope and Emily responded in unison, before laughing.

"We just had Philosophy together," Emily explained. "He had to run to his next class."

"Wait that reminds me," Penelope exclaims, "Emily you must come with us to trivia tonight! We need six people for our team and I don't wanna get stuck with some randos like last time."

Emily looked over at JJ quickly to gauge her reaction. Trivia sounded really fun, and the excuse for spending time with JJ sounded even better.

"You could bring your friend Derek," JJ replied, not balking at the idea of Emily's presence. "Spence hasn't stopped talking about him since the party."

Emily felt herself breathe an internal sigh of relief. JJ wasn't avoiding her after all. And maybe even wanted to spend time with her.

"Oh he really is a beautiful sight, that Derek Morgan," Penelope just about purrs in response.

Emily can not help but laugh.

"That makes, what, five?" Penelope counted on her fingers, "Jennifer, do we have another friend?"

JJ frowned, shook her head, which made Penelope laugh.

Emily thought for a second, thinking about who in her circle would enjoy trivia. Aaron. Of course.

"I think I could talk someone into it," she said.

"It's a date!" Penelope exclaimed. "Now off to the locker room with you Jennifer! You stink!"

She gently pushed JJ towards her teammates and JJ laughed before waving goodbye and heading towards the gym. Penelope looped her arm through Emily's and had already begun to explain the details of the trivia night.

From what Emily gathered, it was at the bar right off campus, and luckily for them, allows underage students in on Monday nights to play trivia, and the bartenders didn't really check IDs at the bar so they could usually get served if they didn't get too wild. There were prizes and Penelope was convinced that with Reid, they had a good shot at winning, depending on the topics of course.

Emily and Penelope walked back to their building, finally exchanging numbers and the promise to meet in the hall no later than seven that night.

As soon as Emily was in her room she found herself grinning. She did a small dance in her room in excitement for the evening before pulling out her phone to tell Derek and Aaron that they had plans for the evening. 

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