The dark side

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When he regained consciousness, he couldn't hear a sound.

What happened?

When he regained consciousness, he could not feel anything. The ground he was lying on was neither hard nor soft. He was neither cold nor hot. The only thing he could tell himself was that he had rested well.

Where am I?

When he regained consciousness, he saw only blackness. Even when he opened his eyes.

Am I dead?

He tried to sit up, but found that his body was all sore.  He finally managed with a groan.  Turning his head several times, he saw a source of pink light from the corner of his eye.  At least he wasn’t blind.  He also saw his guitar next to him.  As he stood and went to pick it up, he staggered as a pain ripped through his skull.  Fortunately, it lasted only a few seconds and he picked up his instrument.  It was all he had left, along with his cell phone, which no longer seemed to be working.  He turned around several times, wondering if he was alone.  Alas, it seemed to him that it was the case.  A small voice then whispered to him.

Welcome to the Dark Side, Matthew. Welcome to your prison.

Unable to tell if he had been dreaming or not, he began to panic.

"Dom? Chris?" No sound, nothing.

"Mr. Harper?" His breathing quickened sharply.

"Dominic! Christopher!" He felt the roar in his chest. He let out a few groans.

"DOM! CHRIS!"  Panic held him fast.  "DOM, CHRIS! DOOOM! CHRIS PLEASE!”

His head was about to explode. He was afraid, alone in this unknown place, not knowing what had happened to his friends.


He screamed. With all his being he screamed his distress. His singing voice distorted under the pain. His own scream terrorized him and hurt him. Finally, he stopped and collapsed.  For several long minutes, he felt suffocated, and spat on the floor as his tears flowed.

Finally, he calmed down.

And again, without him knowing if it was his subconscious or not, he heard a voice whispering to him:

They are alive.

He stood up and coughed violently.   "And... now what do I do?" he said to himself.

The light.

He looked around. No one. Maybe he had lost his mind. Never mind, he had no choice but to go there. Where to go anyway? He started walking. The light was so far away, and he was in so much pain. How could he… "Damn it!" the singer articulated between gasping breaths.

Move on.

He let out an exclamation of surprise. Someone was talking to him, he was sure. But who?  "Is someone there?”

Perhaps, the voice answered.

“Who are you?”

You'll find out soon enough. Go on.

“But I…”

Go on.

The voice did not seem to want to answer him. So, he continued his walk, and arrived at the rendezvous point rather quickly.  "And now," he breathed, "you're going to explain to me where we are? And who you are? And where are…”

Patience, said the voice, go find me first. Then the explanations.

“Uh, okay... And where should I go?”

Save me from the dark side (English version)Where stories live. Discover now