Chapter 4: ARE WE BROTHERS ?!

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So let's go to the story of this 2021 of mine that never ends.  It was August and it was my parents' wedding (yes they were not yet married and they had me and my 2 older brothers, but my brothers were from another father that my mother had divorced more than  17 years).  Since my parents and I already knew Imagine Dragons personally, my parents invited us.

Everything was going very well, in addition to the fact that I had to wake up early to go to church, the wedding mass was over and we were at the farm my parents rented for the wedding.  Oh, I forgot to tell you that Dan's parents were there too, at first I didn't know why, but then ...

My mom was talking to my dad in the corner and I passed by and I accidentally overheard a bit of the conversation.

- You have to tell them, that's why we invited Dan Reynolds' parents too!  - my father said to my mother quietly so that no one would hear, unfortunately I heard - You can't hide the truth from them forever and neither will Dan's parents!

"I don't know if this is the right time ... you know that Ariana takes a while to accept things," replied my mother.

- But what are they talking about?  What do you mean, "hide the truth"?  Something's wrong is not right ... - I whispered so low that I hardly noticed, and in fact no one noticed since there was a lot of noise at the party.

So my parents went to Dan's parents and started talking.  I didn't go near them, because I knew it didn't concern me.  And I was wrong!  So my mom called me close to them, me, my brothers and Dan.

- Dan, we don't know how we are going to say this to you but ... - Dan's mother started talking

- You are adopted!  - Dan's father finished

- Wait ... WHAT?!?!  - Dan was indignant - And just tell me now?!?!  At the height of my 34 years?!?!

I looked at him, then at my brothers, who were also confused, and finally at my parents.

- But after all, why do we have to be here?  It is not something that interests us!  - said my brother and rightly so

- Yeah ... Dan is ... your brother.  - said my mother

- Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean, our brother?!?!  - my sister asked my mother's eldest daughter (supposedly)

- Before you, I got pregnant from your father (from my brothers) and that's why I was forced to marry him!  - explained my mother - and your grandparents forced me to have the baby but then I had to give it up for adoption, because I was very young.

- So you are saying that my idol is not really just my idol and is my brother?  - I asked

- Yea!

- At least I'm not the oldest anymore!  Phew - said my sister

- You were still a rebel when you were little!  - said my brother who was only 5 years younger than my sister

- But how did I get to Las Vegas, Nevada, in the United States?  asked Dan

- Look, we were here on vacation in Portugal when your mother wanted to go to the orphanage and adopt a Portuguese child, and I left.  - said Dan's father

- And how are they sure that we are brothers?  - I asked

- If you still want to leave for dinner and we can go and do the DNA test.  - replied my father

- It's always better than jumping to conclusions!  - I replied

- Uiui when you get there you will start crying for fear of the needles there!  - my brother teased me, who actually did it a few times

Ariana and the Imagine DragonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora