"explain to us why there are two of you!" kaidou demanded. "okay, let me confess. we're twins!" toritsuka covered for saiki. "twins!? that's crazy!!" they all let out gasps and were visibly confused. it's a bit of a stretch, but it's better than them knowing the truth. "uh, we're gonna get going now, since we finished the job. call us if you need anything!" the clones interrupted before walking away. "should we get drinks?" one of them asked another. as if things couldn't get worse. how are we gonna explain this one? i mentally face palmed. if i were to actually face palm, my forehead would be red right now.

"we're sextuplets!" toritsuka tried to cover for saiki again, but they didn't believe him this time. "that's a stretch!" someone yelled out. "and you, y/n! we thought you were at the hotel! we felt bad that you couldn't join us because of health reasons, but you're here with saiki, well saikis!" kuboyasu's tone and words shattered my heart. i felt bad for lying to them so much, but we don't have much of a choice. "cut it out! just tell us the truth! we're friends, right?" kaidou's question also hurt. "well, you are to me! i trust you and i want you to trust me as well! don't keep secrets from us!" he continued, only making me feel worse. "tell us everything!" mera chimed in. "nothing you say will make us hate you!" teruhashi joined in as well.

"i think we should just tell them." i finally spoke up. "no, i'm sorry, but i can't tell you. at least, not yet." saiki said. "saiki, tell us-" kaidou demanded once again, but got cut off by nendou. "that's totally fine. you don't have to say it if you don't wanna. if whatever he says isn't gonna change anything, then there's no need. even with a few secrets, a partner is still a partner." nendou gave a long speech and it honestly surprised me how meaningful his words were. "i agree with you, nendou." hairo spoke up. one by one, the others started agreeing and yumehara even had the guts to confess to kaidou. the whole moment was honestly really heart warming.

"so, what are you gonna do?" i turned to saiki. "i'm sure they'll understand." i tried to convince him that telling them would be fine. "i know." he let out a smile. "good grief, you guys are such a handful." he finally let out. "wait, i think this is the first time i've seen you smile." someone pointed out. "hey! not true, he smiles because of me." i yelled out. "yeah, but only you ever see it." yumehara winked at me. i let out a laugh, realizing what she said was true.

"i think i'll tell you guys now." saiki reluctantly said. "really?" we all said in sync. "i think telling you guys is the least i can do to show my appreciation for you all." he gave everyone a warm smile. i held onto his arm and rested my head on his shoulder. "i have something to confess too." i mentioned before letting saiki continue. "i know it's hard to believe, but i'm a psychic. i've had psychic powers ever since i was born." the psychic confessed his big secret to our group. "i'm one too!" i said with an innocent smile. "really? show us proof." kuboyasu demanded. without hesitating, saiki and i both held out our hands and used pyrokinesis to show fire coming out of our hands. everyone gasped at the sight and i let out a laugh after seeing all their expressions and reactions. "it must have been hard." yumehara started, confusing everyone. "you had to keep this all to yourselves the entire time." she continued. "yeah, thanks for telling us." kuboyasu thanked the both of us. "yeah, and thanks for listening and trusting us even if we lied about it for so long." i thanked them all as well. "i hope you both know that this doesn't change anything and we're all still friends, psychic powers or none." teruhashi assured us. "i love you all." i brought everyone into a huge hug, feeling so incredibly grateful for each of them. how did i manage to find such a great group of friends? "this is too much affection for me." saiki blurted out, making all of us laugh. "hey, you ruined the moment!" i laughed, playfully hitting his arm. "you get a lot of affection from y/n, what do you mean?" kuboyasu teased us. saiki glared at him, making everyone laugh again.

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