part 17: quick, distract!!

Start from the beginning

Hueningkai huffed, and nodded.

"If you ever run into anyone with a pair of spiked boots," Beomgyu interjected, "Tell him I said hi."

Taehyun sighed deeply, glancing over at Yeonjun nervously. His usual calm demeanor had vanished, he's never openly shown his fear like this until now.


Later that evening as the sun had barely set, Beomgyu wriggled his foot free and quietly tried to reach for the dagger on the floor. The tips of his toes touched it, Beomgyu quietly turning it in his direction.

He nudged it closer to himself, Soobin glancing over at Changbin and Jeongin who were on the main deck. It looked like most of the crew had gone into the town, and it was the perfect time to escape.

"HEY! Changbin!" Yeonjun called, smiling sheepishly at the other. Changbin turned his head, raising an eyebrow.

"Do your old friend a favor, won't you?" he grinned, "Do you think you could get these tight ropes off of me? They're burning my arms, and you know how I get when my skin is irritated!"

Changbin rolled his eyes, and shook his head.

"Sorry Yeonjun, captain's orders," he replied, "I'm sure you'd understand, right?"

Yeonjun huffed, "Come on, even just a little bit—? Not even a lot, just loosen them a little bit."

"Yeah— No, sorry Yeonjun," Changbin sighed, "Listen, I'm sorry the others put you through this. It wasn't my choice to throw you overboard..."

Carefully, Beomgyu managed to scoot the knife close enough to lift it up with his foot.

"But Changbin~" Yeonjun said teasingly, "My captain's got a fear of tight spaces, he's been in agony these past few hours. We promise we won't run off, we mean you no harm!"

Taehyun and Hueningkai nodded in agreement.

"You could tie us by our hands, and not to the mast," Hueningkai added, "If you insist on keeping our hands tied, of course."

Beomgyu used his free hand to lean over and slowly reach for the dagger. Changbin crossed his arms across his chest, and still refused.

"Nope, I'm listening to my captain," Changbin refused, "We're not letting you go that easy."

Quickly, Beomgyu began to saw at the ropes with the dagger he picked up.

"Then I guess we'll just have to untie ourselves," Beomgyu boasted with a smirk, "Since you can't do it, we'll just take the initiative."

Hueningkai looked around the ship, seeing the glass bottle containing the map sitting on a crate off in the distance.

"Over there," He whispered to Taehyun and Yeonjun, "Once Beomgyu cuts us free, we'll distract them while you three make a grab for it before the other crewmates find out."

Taehyun and Yeonjun exchanged a nod.

"Didn't we take all of your weapons though?" Changbin scoffed, "You think you're just gonna get out with your bare hands?"

Beomgyu smirked, quickly finishing one more slash and slicing the ropes off.

"Something like that," he smiled. Quickly, he cut the last fiber the rope was clinging onto as the heavy, burlap rope tying the crew fell onto the deck.

Changbin's eyes widened with shock, quickly shouting for help when Captain Soobin covered his mouth.

"You three! Go!" Captain Soobin ordered, as the crew hurriedly wriggled themselves free. Taehyun and Yeonjun sprinted towards their confiscated weapons, grabbing their swords.

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