In the 19 Years

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The battle with the dark lord was over and he had been defeated by the great wizard Harry Potter. There was a lot of sadness of course, as many of the students and teachers had died like a hero. After a few months, along with Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermoine also got married. Then as the years went on Harry befriended Draco Malfoy after Draco came back to apologize. After that Harry and Draco became inseperable.
Harry thought to reform the Ministry of Magic and so decided to become the Minister of Magic. Later Hermoine took the post of Minister of Education and for Ron, he became a better Qudditch player than Victor Krum. Ginny took the post of defence against Dark Arts post and as for Neville, he took the post of herbology teacher. Then Prof. Minervia Mcgonagall took the post of the headmaster. As for Dolorus Umbridge, she left the ministry of magic and started to teach Potions. But this time she taught them properly by allowing students to make potions rather than making them only read and understand like she had done in the 5th year of Harry at Hogwards.

At first Harry and Draco could not stand being in the same room with each other and now they are inseperable?
Once the war was over and Draco and his family ran away like cowards. Draco felt really angry at himself and his father. He could not believe his father worked for someone that evil or that his father forced him to do evil. He starting thinking if he had just refused to work for Voldamort even if it meant sacrificing his life, the vanishing cabinet wouldn't had been fixed and Dumbledore wouldn't have died and he also thought if he could just change the past. He knew he could not do that but he also knew that he could change himself and the future.
So he decided to make the right choice and befriended harry. So he went back to Hogwards only to learn that Harry had become the minister of magic. So he went to the ministry of magic and got to know that Harry had a very busy life. So instead of meeting Harry as a friend, he booked an appointment with harry. So his appointment with harry was in 2 days but Draco still did not know how to apologize after what he had done. He finally decided to just be natural. It was finally time to meet harry and he was called in. Then, after he saw Harry and Harry saw Draco, Harry did not recognize him. Harry asked, "What's your name and what brings you here?". Then Draco replied, " Do you remember me Harry? I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." When Draco said that Harry was shocked. So Harry said "Draco? I-I I'm so glad to see you." Draco was shocked to hear that. So he said " You-You are? I-I thought you didn't even care and that you had forgotten me or didn't even remember that I exist?" for this answer Harry said, "What? Once you ran away with your family and I became the minister of magic I did not hear from you. It was like you had just vanished without a trace. So I demanded a search for you by the whole ministry of magic everywhere." Then Draco says, " You did?" Then Harry continues "Yes and I was so worried when I did not find you. Where had you been?" For this Draco sat quite for a while and then said, " I-I had ran away, thinking no one wanted me here after what I did. I had went to the Muggle world to start out a new life there." So later Harry said ,"So what made you come back to the wizarding world?" So draco replied," I did not fit in there. I forgot I did not have muggle currency. We led a poor life there so we decided to come back." Then harry said," What brings you to the ministry of magic?" Then draco answers," You Harry! You bring me here. You see, after I realized that what I did was wrong and that I couldn't change the past I thought I could change the future and so I came here to apologize to you. I needed to build up the courage to face you which took me 5 months. Do you forgive me?" Then harry gave a smile and replied," Of course. I thought you realized I did. So..... um..... truce?" draco felt it was the best day of his life and said out of excitement," Yes!! Thank you for giving me a second chance. Also, are you free now? For a while?" harry replied, "I have 5 more appointments today so... how about we meet up by 6:00 in the evening?" " Sounds ok to me." Replied Draco.
It was six and Harry and Draco met up outside the ministry of magic. Then they hung out for a while and talked. Harry was surprised when he found out that Draco married a mudblood called Astoria Greengrass. Later Harry told which occupation all of his friends chose. Later they became unseperatable friends. They grew closer everytime they met.
As time went by Harry became the father of 3 kids and Ron became the father of 2 kids. Harry name his eldest son James Sirus Potter, his second son Albus Severus Potter and last but not the least, his daughter who was one year younger that Albus was named Lily Luna Potter. Harry's eldest son was named after James Potter and Sirius Black. His youngest child who was a girl was named after Lily Potter and Luna Lovegood. And last but not the least his second son was named after the two great headmasters of Hogwards who sacrificed their life to save Hogwards, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. As for Ron's kids, his eldest daughter was names as Rose Granger-Weasley and their youngest son was named Hugo Weasley. Draco also became a father to one child who was named Scorpious Malfoy. Again years went on and their children grew up and were sent to Hogwards and Harry's eldest son was sorted to Griffindore. Rose Granger-Weasley was sorted to Griffindore too. Albus's, lily's, Rose's and scorpious's first years were yet to come ahead.
One day, suddenly Hermoine came rushing in to Harry's office and said out of excitement, "I created a spell that can reverse the spell that was once called 'Permanent spell'". Then Harry screamed out of excitement, "You found a spell to reverse 'obliviate'?" So hermoine replied "Yes, you point your wand at the person whose memory has been erased and say 'Reminiscencio'. Now I can bring back the memories of my parents". Harry was extreamly happy. Later Hermoine went home and brought back the memories of her parents and was extreamly happy.
A few years later Harry was preparing Albus severus Potter to go to Hogwards. Albus said, " I'm scared. What if I go to Slytherin." So for that Harry replied, " Albus Severus Potter, you are named after 2 great headmasters of hogwards and one of them was in Slytherin. So don't worry. Ok?" After this Albus nodded with a huge smile on his face.
Some time later Harry asked Albus if he knew what all had happened in Hogwards when Harry joined. Albus said, "no". then Harry said, " Ok then. Let me tell you. Well, when I was a baby your grandmother sacrificed herself to save me. After killing my parents, Voldamort came after me and attacked me. The spell rebounded and he was said to be gone forever. And do you know what had protected me?" Albus nodded no. then Harry continued, " It was her love for me. Then later as Hagrid came to fetch me Sirius came in and asked Hagrid to give me to him. Then Hagrid said no stating that if he did then Dumbledore would never trust him again. So-" Then Albus interrupted saying, " by Sirius do you mean your godfather, Sirius Black, the one James is named after and by Dumbledore you mean Albus Dumbledore, the one I am named after." Then Harry replied, "Yes, so then Hagrid brought me over to Dumbledore and Dumbledore kept me at the doorstep of the dursleys house. They did adopt me but did not take good care of me. They were very rude. I wanted to get rid of them. And I did when there was a letter I got from hogwards. When I got it they took it away and never let me read it. There was the same letter everyday and on one faithful Sunday Mr. Dursley said that it was his favourite because it was a holiday in the post office and then you can't believe what happened. Many many posts came flying in from the chimney, door and windows. So we went to a different place to live and that night was the night when I was gonna turn 11. So when I was about to go to sleep a person came in breaking the door. It was a gaint. Who you also know as Grandpa Hagrid. So he came in, told me I was a wizard and took me with him. I was actually glad that he came to take me. so he then took me to diagon alley and it was the first time I ever entered Gringotts bank. So there I went to gringotts and then hagrid showed me a vault in which there was a lot of money and he said that it was the money that my parents had left for me before they died and I was very greatful at that moment. So from there I went to Olivanders to get my first wand and I actually got a special one. It belonged to lord Voldamort." Then albus interrupted again, " you mean the wizard who went horibally bad and killed my grandparents and tried to kill you several times?" harry then continued, " Yes, then I did not know where I would find this platform nine and a three quarters and that's when I heard grandma molly asking fred to go through this platform." Then Albus asked, " Who is Fred?" well Harry replied, " Oh umm, it is George uncle's twin brother. He died as a hero fighting for hogwards when I defeated Lord Voldamort. So then I asked Grandma Molly on how to get to the platform and she asked me to run through the wall and I did. To my shock it actually worked and then I boarded the Hogwards express for the first ti-" and he sees that Albus had fallen asleep. It was getting pretty late as it was already 11:00 in the night. Even Harry went to bed.
Sometime later Draco kinda had a nightmare and in that the dark lord was whispering to draco, " I will rise once more and it will be soon. Draco my most faithful assistant, get the resurrection stone. Draco my most loyal assistant, bring me back. Draco my most trustworthy assistant help me rise once more." The dark lord kept saying that again and again. The next morning Draco woke up and he thought that it was just a dream.
Back with Hermoine and Ron, they decide to take their children to their grandparents house. Hermoine was very excited to see her parents. So they go back to the muggle world to meet her parents.
Meanwhile Harry was at the ministry of magic talking to Draco when suddenly an owl comes in bringing a letter. It was Ron's owl. Then Harry took the letter and read it out aloud, " Dear Harry, me and my family are going to Hermoine's parents house. We will be doing the shopping of school books, wands and the other stuffs when we came back. Please tell Ginny about this. Regards Ron." Then draco asked , " So they are away?" Harry said yes but sadly. Draco sensed that there was something wrong with Harry. So he asked, " Hey! What's wrong? I know when somethings wrong." Then Harry replied, " Oh, its just nothing. Nothing at all." Then Draco said, " Its me your best friend. You can tell me anything. Ok?" Then Harry said smiling, " Your right, I can share my feelings with you." Then Draco said, " Yes, so now tell me. What is bothering you?" then Harry replied, " It's the Dursleys. I can't believe that I am saying this but I miss them. I know they were rude and cruel to me but I kind of miss them. A lot. I did see them last 19 years ago because I had to ask them to leave from private drive for their safety. They were greatful that I was concerned about their safety but they were still a little mad at me. I really want to meet them but I don't know if they want to see me. So I don't know if I should go or not." Then Draco said, " You really should go and see them. I am sure they will be happy to see you." Then Harry said, " Ok, I will go see them, I think they will also want to see family so I will also take Ginny and my children along. But first I think I will write them a letter." Then Harry sits and writes a letter. He ties it to his owl and sends it to the Dursleys. Then he goes home and tells Ginny his plans and so they all get ready. Harry then writes a letter to Ron. It said ' Dear Ron, me and my family are heading to the Dursleys house. So we may take a few days to come. And that is if they are happy to have us there which I highly doubt. Regards Harry Potter'
Harry and his family left and they reached Private Drive where the Dursleys had shifter once again a year later Voldamort was defeated. That was the last time Harry had sent them a letter. So a day later they reached the house of the Dursleys. Uncle Vernon hugged Harry as soon as he saw him. Harry said, " I totally did not expect that." Then Vernon said, " I am truly sorry for the way I treated you. After you sent us a note about Voldamart or Voldamort or whatever his name is, your owl just flew away before I could write a letter saying I'm sorry. After that I did not get any other way to communicate with you." Then harry said happily, " I actually did not think you would miss me." Then uncle Vernon said, " okok enough of the past now when will you introduce me to your amazing family." Then Harry replied smiling, " Right! This is my wife Ginny. And these are my children James, Lily and Albus. And speaking of my family where is Dudley." Then Vernon replied, " Ahh... Dudley and his Family live beside our house." Then Harry and his family went knocking at Dudley's door and Dudley opened it. He was shocked to see Harry. Then Harry came inside and Dudley for the first time was glad and happy to see Harry. Then Harry introduced his Family to Dudley. Later Dudley said, " Now I will be happy to introduce my family to you, so this is my wife Grace. And this is my only child Billy." Then Harry and Dudley sat and talked which was like forever and so did Grace and Ginny. Meanwhile the kids all became best friends. Also Albus wished that Billy was magical. Harry told Dudley about all his adventures in all his years at Hogwards. Dudley was impressed by all what Harry accomplished. Meanwhile Harry's children said Billy all about magic which shocked him. But little did he know that he'll soon be going to hogwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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