"I hope you don't mind I did this, Lisa." Krystal speaks up, biting her lip and as Elisa glances over her shoulder at her cousin, she saw she was twirling a strand of her red-hair. Elisa knew it was something she did when she was nervous. "I just, uh, wanted you to feel a little more at home and you know, feel welcomed."

"I appreciate it." Elisa gave her cousin a small smile. "Really, I do. Thank you, Krystal."

Krystal beams. "Of course, Elisa! I'm so glad you're back here, even though I know this wasn't exactly your choice."

"I'm honestly happy I'm back." Elisa admits. "It's...nice, being able to see everyone again..." Her voice trailed off, her gaze landing on a picture of her and Ben on her desk. Her lips curved upwards at noticing the picture was from the time when they went ice skating and Ben had helped her after she had fallen down and then they had gotten hot chocolate afterwards. She had suggested to take a selfie together. That was her favorite memory.

A knowing smile tugs on Krystal's lips. "Especially Ben?"

Her cousin's comment broke her out of her thoughts and Elisa looks back over at her. She shrugs, but there was a smile on her lips. "He is the reason why I'm here."

"Yeah, but that annoying Audrey is in the way of you two." Krystal rolled her eyes with a pout.

"Not really a fan of Audrey, but she's not in the way. Nothing will come between Ben and me. We're just best friends who are reunited." Elisa said, crossing her arms and leaning against the dresser.

Krystal raises her eyebrows, clearly not believing her. "Right. You two aren't anything more than that. Sure, Elisa."

Elisa playfully rolls her eyes, but a smile tugs on her lips. She and Krystal shared a laugh as they both sit on her bed. They spend the next few hours catching up with each other. They didn't realize that they were talking for so long, but Elisa didn't mind. She missed her cousin so much.

When it was getting late, there was a sudden knock at the door to their dorm. Krystal stood up, walking over to the door and opening it. Elisa watches, seeing a confused look formed on her face. She then sees her cousin's lips curl into a grin. "Ben!"

"Hey, Krys. I was wondering if I could talk to Elisa." Elisa heard Ben's voice and her heart raced at hearing his voice, her eyes widening as well. What did Ben want?

"Of course. She's not busy." Krystal grinned, walking over to grab Elisa, pulling her off the bed.

Elisa's eyes widen more, shaking her head and trying to mouth to Krystal she didn't want to talk to Ben now. But Krystal didn't listen and pulled her over to stand at the door. Ben stood there, his face softening and his smile widening at seeing Elisa. "Hey, Ellie."

Hearing him call her 'Ellie' made her heart race even more. This boy was going to kill her one day. She forgot how much she missed hearing that nickname only he used. She didn't say anything at first, taking in Ben's appearance. He was still the same, but he grew a bit taller and his blonde hair was a bit longer. His green eyes still held kindness and care for her. His smile was the same and his voice was still the same. Her face softened and she couldn't help the smile on her face.

"Hey, Ben." She finally speaks, her heart racing. "Um, what's up?"

"Can we talk privately?" Ben questioned hopefully.

Elisa opens her mouth, about to say something when she hears Krystal. "Don't worry, Elisa, I'll leave you two alone. I'll come back later after I sneak in a late night snack. Don't tell anyone." Krystal said, grinning.

She watched as her cousin walked away before turning her attention to Ben. "Okay, come on in." She steps aside, letting Ben in.

Ben smiles and walks into the room. Elisa closes the door, her back against the door. Her heart was pounding. She was alone with Ben. She wasn't sure what was going on or what to expect. She had so many questions, but she wasn't sure if she should ask them. She takes a deep breath, deciding to break the silence between them.

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