"Okay! Okay!" I giggled as I pushed him away.

We went to head out to a shop to buy some overalls, masks and every other bit of cleaning equipment we could find. I intended on us looking like the Batman and Robin of Environmental Health.

My mums neighbour stopped us when she saw me locking the door. She told us everything about finding my mum and she had all the stuff we needed to clean the place up... turns out this wasn't the first time my mum had an incident with her new found love, but it was the first time it was this bad.

Her name was Polly, she was a real, sweet lady. She came over to help us out. Her ex-husband was a heroin addict so she knew all the places to look for my mums stash. I'd grown up watching my mum and dad take drugs pretty much every single day, it was all normal to me, so you can imagine how much it really hit me when I finally learnt that it wasn't - they were addicts, and addicts were the most predictable people on earth. Within 5 minutes, Polly had found my mums stash, there were small clear bags filled with brown powder, needles, a silver spoon that used to be my baby spoon - that hurt, there was a rubber tube and the lighter I'd had engraved for her last birthday.

We started to clean up and we were making some really good progress. Dave found my old radio and we decided a bit of music might help lift the mood and encourage us to get everything done quicker. I was scrubbing the carpets, Polly was cleaning upstairs and Dave was dusting (we gave him the simple jobs). I Want You Back by Jackson 5 came over the radio, and me and Dave instantly looked at each other with a big smile on our faces.

"You remember this one?" He smirked.

"How could I forget" I smiled as I stood up and folded my arms. "May 16th 1978, Sheffield City Hall" I smiled as I walked closer to him.

He scooped me up in his arms and I rested my hands on his biceps as we swayed a little. "It's cute you remember the first time we met" he joked.

I let out a little sigh. "And look at us now, I think this songs quite ironic given the circumstances" I said sassily as I pouted at him.

He smiled and pursed his lips at me. "You know, when I turned around and laid my eyes on you I told myself, that's the girl I'm gonna marry one day" he said softly as he booped me on my nose.

My jaw dropped as I smirked through my nose. "You and marriage!? That's like milkshake and fries... two things that just don't go together" I giggled but he had a serious look on his face.

"Yeah but they do! You just gotta have the right flavour milkshake" he blushed.

"Is that so!?" I giggled. "What's your favourite flavour again?" I smirked. I already knew he was a chocolate kinda guy.

He started to stutter and tried to tickle me as a way of changing conversation, but as we all know, that kinda flirting only leads to one thing...

"Dave! Stop it!" I laughed as I snorted obnoxiously.

"How can you say anything about me when you laugh like that!?" He giggled as I started to slap and kick him.

"Stop! Stop! I quit!" I giggled.

"You gotta say, Dave's the best singer in the whole wide world and that chocolate milkshake and fries go together" he yelled over my laugh as he continued to tickle me.

"But it doesn't!?" I yelled as I started hitting and kicking him again.

"Say iiiiit!" He giggled.

"Okay! Okay! You're the best singer in the whole wide world and chocolate milkshakes go with fries or whatever you said!" I panted as he finally let go.

Dishing The Dirt: Nikki Sixx • Mötley Crüe •Where stories live. Discover now