Chapter 8- New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

"I... kinda... lashed out at the royal family with an automaton I controlled...
I believed that if I can't have a happy ending then neither can them...
On the way I hurt the queen and Cassandra a bit..."
Varian looked aside.
I stay silent, waiting for him to continue.

"Rapunzel somehow managed to control the black rocks to stop me and everything.
...then I was thrown into jail."
He moved a string of hair out of his eyes.

"Not your proudest memories, I see."
I try to joke.

"Yea, hehehe..."
Varian laughed awkwardly.

"So the black rocks grew in a path to the dark kingdom, where the moon stone was. It was assumed that Rapunzel's destiny was to follow the path and merge the sun drop and the moon stone."
Varian continued.

"What was going to happen to Rapunzel if she did that?"
I ask.

"Nobody knows. She could've died for all we know.
It was a part of her destiny, after all. Or at least... this is what we thought."
He answered.

"So what happened?"

"After this adventure on the road, they reached the moon stone, but then Cassandra took it, saying that it was HER destiny.
The she kinda attacked everyone and shood them out of the dark kingdom."

"That's... woah... I never expected Cassandra to...
T-That's a LOT to get in..."
I note.

"Yea... it really surprised everyone.
In that adventure Rapunzel also learned the decay spell that let you and dad out of the ember.
Although she knew it was very dangerous, she took the risk for me... for us..."
Varian smiled.

"And I am very thankful for that.
But what about you?"
I asked, interested.

"...joined with a few criminals that were with me in the cell to get out and concer Corona.
We had a plan to wipe everyone's memories.
There was an old lady that took care of the mAGiC part while I took care of the scientific part.
So that lady used a wand to wipe the king's and queen's memories and I had to create a gas that we could spread all around the kingdom and make people... forget...
I just wanted everyone to forget what I've done..."
Varian sighed.
I put a hand on his shoulder.

"When Rapunzel and her friends returned and tried to stop us, I was forced to rush my memory chemical, but I did the calculations wrong and it was explosive.
When I realized that they wanted to use it and hurt the entire kingdom,
I remembered what you told me-
That I had to turn back before it's late."
Varian looked at the sky with a soft smile.

I hugged Varian.
"I already said that, but I'll say it again-
I'm soooooo proud of you."

Varian giggled and I kissed his cheek.

"You should have seen what I wore when I was in that gang- I looked like I took the most random things and tried to force then together into a costume!
I even painted a beard on my face- I looked absolutely ridiculous! And I thought I looked cool!"
Varian waved his hands around and we bursted with laughter.

"By the way, I think that my clothes are getting a little smallish and tattered.
Maybe I should get a new look."
Varian wondered, pointing at his brown overall and blueish shirt.

"How about we go now?"
I stand up.

Varian sighed.
"I don't know...
Everyone in the kingdom hates me because I kinda threatened the royal family AND helped a bunch of criminals to concer them..."

"But I don't hate you, right? My love for you probably has a little more value than a random stranger's hate.
'Come on! Let's go!"
I help him up.

"Yes. Indeed."
Varian had the CUTEST smile EVER.

The shopkeeper was eyeing Varian in pure hate, but I made sure to distruct V' so he won't even notice.

"Ok, do you trust me?"
I asked.

Varian nodded.

"So take these."
I put a pile of clothes and pushed him into the dressing room.

After about two minutes, he got out.
He was wearing a long, white shirt with a collar and black streaks on the sleeves. On top of it he wore a blue top with a bunch of buttons on it.
Under all of it he was wearing a bright brown apron, along with a belt.

"Hmm... I kinda wish the top would be in a different color..."
Varian said as he looked in the mirror.

"Hmm... yea, you are right...
OH! THIS is just PERFECT for you!"
I hand him a reddish top.

"This... is perfect. I LOVE it! Thank you so much, Y/N!"
Varian got excited to walk around in his new outfit.

"Yea, I know. I'm awesome."
I joke.

Varian giggled and gave me a small peck on the lips, leaving me blushing like a tomato.

I pay the shopkeeper and both of us go out.

"New day, new me!
Hehehe, it even takes time for people around to recognize me."
Varian saw the bright side.

"I'm happy that you're happy."
I say.

1312 words

Varian x reader ^-^ (Tangled The Series) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now