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It was the first day of a new year. In this ever so small town, kids went to 3 different schools before they all joined together to start 3rd grade. Today was the first day they all joined together. It was a rather large moment, meeting the people you're gonna spend the next ten years with. But the 8/9 year olds didn't know this, they were all excited or nervous to be in this new school, they thought they were the big kids now. Little did they know there was so much more to go through, so much more to do, and so many new people to meet. Among these kids was Leo Clare. Leo was, like the other boys his age, very excited to be in this new school. There were new things everywhere, things that he once dreamed of having at his old school.

He took a look at all of his new classmates as they gathered for their welcoming assembly. As he looked to his left, he saw he was sitting beside a red-headed boy. The boy looked friendly enough, so Leo decided to make conversation. "Aren't you excited to be in this new school with all the big kids?" ask Leo. The boy jumped slightly and looked up at Leo. He had deep brown eyes that contrasted against his freckle spotted pale skin. "Not really" answered the boy. " Why not? We get to do so much more here and were with the older kids" said Leo. He didnt how the boy couldn't be excited to be at the new school. He had been waiting for this for so long. "I'm just nervous, my brother doesnt go here so I don't really know what to expect." said the boy. Leo took this as his change to boast, "Ha imagine not having an older brother who goes here, no wonder you're just sitting there and not saying anything, must feel so lonely" At this the boy just stood up and moved down the table, obviously not pleased with the conversation. Leo scoffed and rolled his eyes, he hoped he wouldn't have to see the unnamed boy once.

Leo didn't know it at the time, but that boy would be with him throughout the rest of his school years. It seemed that there was some invisible string keeping the two together. The boy, whose name he learned to be Blake, was placed in his 3rd grade class. This led to a year of torutre for the teacher, as the boys would never stop bickering. They never saw eye to eye, and Leo was more than ready for the year to end and him to be free of Blake and the way he always made Leo feel lower than him. Something about the way he was able to keep to himself, yet was still liked by everyone got under Leo's skin. He didn't like that he had to work for friends while Blake could be friends with whoever he pleased, everybody just seemed to like him.

Finally 3rd grade ended and Leo was so glad he almost jumped with joy. This joy wasn't very long lasting though as he found out that Blake was placed in his class for the next year. This continues on every year until they reach middle school. Even then they seemed to have to always be around each other. They ended up settling in the same large group of friends, despite their strong dislike for the other. This lead to them having to be near each other all throughout their middle school days, in and outside of school. How their friends dealt with the theme and their constant biggering was beyond Leo. He just hoped that one day he would finally be rid of Blake, but boy was he wrong. 

A/N: cheeky lil enemies to lovers ope I may have issues. also to any of my tfatws fans, I hate John walker so much. Hope y'all enjoyed? idk just don't die 

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