2 A Series Of Unfortunate Events

Start from the beginning

He gave me another one of those looks where he smirks then looks me up and down but this time added a wink afterwards. 

"You're a real charmer Malfoy" I said as I put my bottle back in my bag.  As I was walking away I heard 

"Draco," he said. 

I turned around and looked confused, 

"You can call me Draco'' 

I heard one of his goons whisper to another 

"We're not even allowed to call him Draco'' 

So I said 

"Fine then, Draco, you're a real charmer" Drenched with even more sarcasm than before and I walked away. I could tell he was staring at my ass again as I walked away but I didn't really care,

Anyways, back to the funny thing about "Draco". When Harry got back he was obviously getting all the attention so like any insecure male would, Draco went charging up to Buckbeak to prove a point or something and scared him so it scratched him which wasn't actually that funny but what was funny was that Draco thought he was dying and was shouting things like "Oh it's killed me", "My father will hear about this" and "Your gonna regret this, you and your bloody chicken" which I admit was very funny. I was asked to bring his bag to the hospital wing, I haven't decided whether or not to actually do it.

September 11th, 1993,

Dear Diary yesterday, Luna told me about quidditch team tryouts and she knows I like it so she told me that maybe I should try out. I thought it was a ridiculous idea, you can be a fan of something and not want to participate. But I would be lying if I told you the thought had never crossed my mind. Cho was already on the team and she told me they were looking for a new player because Tomas Bradly one of the chasers had to quit due to the fact he was failing Herbology and Charms so I went, just to watch at first but when I got there I was kicking myself, I knew I had to try out. 

The other people there were Oliver Wood captain of the Gryffindor team, Rodger Davis captain of the Ravenclaw team, Cedric Diggory, and Marcus flint captains of Hufflepuff and Slytherin teams and about 20 students here to try out, only 5 of them being Ravenclaw so I might actually have a chance. The captains had us play a quick game rotating each player and when it was my turn I was put to play with Oliver wood, Ginny Weasley, and Christopher Louis of Gryffindor, Mickle Sherman of Hufflepuff, and Nicoli Small of Slytherin. The opposing chasers had nothing on me and I scored three times but it should have been more. Wood was the keeper and he really is good. At one point I think I might have gotten a little too close to the rings and ended up crashing into him and nearly knocking him off his broom. I went down hard and landed on my back but Oliver came down, helped me up, and took me to the hospital wing so it wasn't all bad.

It was a long walk and Oliver felt terrible, he practically carried me there. As we walked he was trying to distract me by telling me about himself which was actually quite pleasant.

"The worst case sinario could have been a broken rib" He said trying to reassure me 

And he was right a broken rib on my left side. Oliver stayed with me all day until Madam Pomfrey practically kicked him out and told him to go to dinner. When he went to dinner I took a nap, and once I woke up I noticed a book about healing which was definitely from Luna, some get well soon cards from Cho and Ginny, and a beautiful bouquet of gorgeous white roses with a note attached saying,

"Feel better soon"

Which I expected were from Oliver. I went down to dinner where Luna and Cho had made me a plate of food and were just about to bring it to me in bed. They are both so sweet and sat down with me and waited with me until I finished eating. About five minutes into it though Oliver came to the table and I got up and gave him a big hug and thanked him for the flowers, but apparently they weren't from him. I wondered who gave them to me but my thoughts were interrupted by Oliver asking me to go for a walk with him.

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