"She's still...here. There's...another." The man whispered, gripping onto your arm, his blood smearing all over your hands. You grit your teeth. She had only made this worse.

"I'm so sorry." You spoke quietly, holding his hand as he gripped onto you. You couldn't do anything to save him. You couldn't just call him an ambulance.

"Bring us...to justice. She deserves...to be ruined." The man's last breath left you with chills down your spine. Respectfully, you peeked through your smoke mask enough to close his eyelids, resting his body in a normal position.

With blood on your hands, you stood and allowed your smoke mask to return to its full density, completely obscuring your face from the world.

You listened for a voice. Hers.

"Please, don't do this!" A man shouted. The next victim! She'd lured them here. You weren't a fucking hero, but these men didn't deserve to die.

"I can't let him win! I'm a hero! I need this!" She shouted back. You were barreling down the halls, trying to follow their voices. But the ear-piercing sound of gunshots only confused you more.

This place was too big. But eventually, you stumbled upon the room.

"You!" She shouted.

"I warned you. You've only made this worse." You released smoke from your pores, it seeped through the fabric of your suit and flooded the room. You stood in the silence as you listened.

Her distinct rapid breathing was deafening. Her heart rate had increased significantly, she was panicking.

You pinpointed her in the room and drew your smoke into a close as you raised a hand to her throat, allowing the smoke that had flooded the room to enter through her nose and mouth.

As you began to choke her, flooding her respiratory system with your smoke, she fired two more shots.

One of which pierced your side. This was a problem.

Hunching over in pain, you threw her to the floor, quickly disarming her before completely dropping your smoke mask, aiming and shooting her.

You dropped the gun and groaned in pain as you glanced around. You had to be a lot more careful now.

You'd already sent in the evidence, and now you'd killed her, in a method you didn't think you'd use.

"Fuck." You didn't have time for this. Quickly navigating to an exit point, you could hear sirens in the distance. You managed to get away from the scene, but the night was far from over.

"You look like shit."

Is he following me? Why is he everywhere I fucking go?

You turned to see Dabi, a smirk on his lips.

"Fuck, you doin' alright, princess?" Dabi noticed the wavier in your steps as you struggled to stand. You moved your hand holding your side, revealing the gunshot wound to your abdomen.

"Shit." Dabi cursed, glancing over his shoulder as red and blue lights blinded you.

"Hurry up, unless you wanna get fucking caught!" Dabi yanked your arm, pulling you down the alley, around the corner, and into a door.

Loud music filled your ears, and you'd barely had the chance to recover when a semi-nude woman walked by holding a tray of drinks.

"Welcome! Couples night out?" She asked flirtatiously, smiling extra hard at Dabi.

"We'd like a private room, doll." Dabi smirked, passing the woman a large bill. She smiled and nodded, ushering you behind a red velvet curtain and into a booth that was significantly closed off.

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