The last 2 places left on the list were an abandoned asylum and an abandoned mall. Both of them sounded creepy enough and choosing one would be difficult because closed down malls are creepy but abandoned asylums are...just scary as heck.

Yuji was still standing there quietly, awaiting for us to choose. I looked at Toge and he looked at me and it seemed as though we both had decided.

"We'll take the mall—" I said hoping that Toge said the same thing but he chose the asylum.

"Are you crazy?! Do you actually want us to die, dumbass?!" I crazily expressed as I nudged him by his back.

He just looked Yuji dead in the eyes and repeated what he said, "we'll take the asylum."

He seriously wants me to die, I'm sure of it!
The asylum of all places! And with him-
Ah well if tormenting me is going to be the last thing he'll do then I'll do the same.

This is going to be fun but scary.

"Alright we'll take the asylum." I added as I looked at Toge with a wicked grin.

Yuji left as he got what he needed and now I was just back to slouching in my seat, bored out of my mind. Couple minutes later Mr. Satoru walked in and the class got quiet. The first place his eyes fell upon was me and with that I was internally laughing as I remembered what my mom told me. He indeed looked fine but didn't look like the type who'd want to commit to a relationship. He was more of a one-night st- maybe I'm just thinking too much into it.

He started classes off with explaining powers and the different levels of demons and stuff, the usual but at the end of the class he explained why he tasked us to scout out those specific areas. It was for psychical training to help unlock our powers and there were reports of mysterious supernatural activities going on in those particular locations. Of course, if we actually encountered demons we'd have to contact him or one of the other teachers before taking extent measures. As Mr. Satoru left the class was back in a disorderly manner with loud laughter and of course Panda's loud voice ringing in your ears. I placed my head comfortably on the desk just to take a short nap before our next class began.


The air was thick and filled with the smell of rotting flesh and some sort of old smell. I could barely breathe and my vision was limited to the darkness around me. My face rested flat on the cold cement ground. My leg was paining me but I couldn't see if the wound had opened up because of the thick void I was in. I tried getting up but I physically couldn't because my entire body felt weak and it felt like there was some kind of force pushing me down. All I could see was nothing but darkness but then all of a sudden the smell of rotting flesh polluted the air more, suffocating me. I heard the sounds of footsteps echoing around me but couldn't see anything at all. It was as though the person or thing was going around me in circles then it came to an abrupt halt.

The silhouette of a tall man could be seen but instead of having 2 normal hands he had 4. No normal demon couldn't possibly have the form of a what is this? For some reason a ray of light was placed on me and I could finally see at least 2 feet around me, though it didn't make sense because nothing else could be seen. The...creature partially stepped into the light revealing his lower body and his hands. They were covered in markings and he wore cream colored drapes. His face wasn't visible but I knew it was just going to be scary so I slowly tried to get up and surprisingly I could move. I started to back away, my head was tiled as I looked up to face him, I was still sitting because of the weakness that overcome me. I was now engulfed in the shadows and watched as the figure also disappear into it as well. The silence was sickening and the fear of having something suddenly touch or grab you from nowhere sent shivers down my spine. I sat still, hoping whatever that thing was would go away but instead it spoke.

"Fear me", a loud but distinct voice echoed around me. It was so powerful that just by hearing it made me get goosebumps.

"Your end is coming", it continued but in a more sinister manner.

I couldn't bring myself to ask any questions because his presence gave off immense power and it was filled with hatred.

My hands fell to the ground, holding up my upper body as my head began to pound. A surge of light flashed before my eyes and I was now recalling all the past dreams I had but this time there was more to it. It all flashed by so quickly and all I could manage to process was innocent people dying because of rampant demons, the tree where they did the sacrifice and a memory of Tohru and Haruki together...but they were holding hands and looked at each other with love but then it all faded into darkness and an image of Tohru lying down as she bled out appeared before me. The same creature with 4 hands was towering over her body as it watched her struggle for breath. Tohru was looking at the person who was at the far side of her. It was Haruki and he was watching with tears glistening in his eyes. Tohru had a smile on her face but Haruki was on the verge of bursting into tears. I stretched out my hand to help her but I got sucked away from it all. It all turned to darkness and slowly faded away.

Tohru and Haruki fell in love?

And she died to save her protector...

Hime and Inumaki

𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲~ Toge Inumaki Where stories live. Discover now