Chapter 1

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I've already written up to chapter five of this story! I'm going to try to edit those chapters and get them out ASAP. 

Warning, this book is probably going to move faster than Taken and Trained did. Plus, the chapters will most likely be shorter until I really get going.

Thanks for reading!


Arthur was glad his father was holding on to the Beta position until Alpha Blaton could no longer be Alpha.

After finding out Thea wasn't his soulmate two years ago, Arthur was soon going to leave for a trip across the world in search of his mate. Yes, he did have plenty of time in the world—more than a few centuries—but he longed to love someone.

Arthur and Thea were still best friends, but her shift put a wedge between them that he didn't think would ever go away. He was heartbroken.

"Kat wants to travel with me," Arthur said one morning with his mouth full of cereal. Lev stopped scribbling on a piece of paper while Lilia accidentally tipped over her water glass in surprise.

"When did she tell you that?" Lilia asked. She'd heard nothing about that from her youngest child.

"Yesterday. You know she wants to find her mate," he swallowed and scooped the last bite of his cereal into his mouth. The bowl was plopped in the sink and Arthur sat next to his parents at the table.

"She can go when she turns eighteen. She's far too young to travel like that, and her mate probably isn't eighteen either," Lev sighed. Arthur shook his head and stole a sip from his mother's glass.

"You try telling her that." As soon as he finished his sentence, Kat came roughly pounding down the stairs and stole her mother's glass completely. Lev stood with a sigh, rolling his eyes, and got his wife a new cup of water. It was a daily occurrence. As he sat back down, Arthur made eye contact with him and motion his head towards his younger sister.

"Kat, can we talk?" Lev asked. Arthur raised his eyebrows and winced at the worst possible start to a conversation.

"That's my cue. I'll be with Thea if you need me," Arthur stood abruptly and exited before he could hear any more of their words. He found her in one of the living rooms in the packhouse, several papers on her lap and a crease between her brows.

"Hey," she said before she looked up at him tiredly. She was learning how to be an Alpha and her dads were really putting her through the ringer. Thea's hair was tousled with a fairly large knot in the back and her ponytail about to fall out.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Arthur asked as he walked around her and began untangling her unruly hair.

"No," Thea pouted. "Ouch! Watch your hands."

"Sorry," Arthur murmured. They both worked for a few moments in silence before Thea tilted her head.

"When do you leave, again?"

"Two weeks," he answered dejectedly. This trip was months in the making and though he was excited to find his mate, he hadn't been away from his family for more than a few days. He would be gone for three months total.

"I might be Alpha by the time you get back," she grinned, trying to think of positives in this situation. She was sad he was going, but happy for him to find his soulmate, even though she loved him. Besides, her dads were getting older and Alpha Blaton was ready to pass on the title of Alpha to Thea whenever she thinks she's ready.

"Nah, I'll make sure I'm here for the ceremony. Don't have it without me," he begged.

"Of course I won't," she smiled. "Now can you help me with this? I never was good at math."

"Sure," Arthur sighed and removed his fingers from her hair. The knot was still there, but far smaller than it had been. Thea gladly handed him the papers and started fixing her knot himself. Arthur had the finances divided before she was done.

"Thank you," Thea seemed extremely relieved. "I'm glad you'll be my Beta at some point."

"If my dad ever gives up the position," Arthur smiled. His family didn't want to tell her their plan because to an outsider, it did seem kind of...morbid. He tried to swallow, but something was stuck in his throat. He loved spending time with her but his feelings for her haven't changed.

"Thea," Alpha Blaton stuck his head in the room. "Hey, Arthur. Thea, I'm headed to the meeting with the financial advisors. You finish the paperwork?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later?" Thea asked Arthur. He nodded and watched her gather her paperwork before scurrying out of the room. Only a few moments passed before a body flew into the doorway and crashed into one of the chairs in the room.

A frenzied thirteen-year-old Kat stormed towards her older brother.

"You told them?" She shrieked. Arthur prepared himself to get attacked but stopped her before she did it.

"Blaton told me if I trashed another room, I would have to pay for it," Arthur said.

"Fine! Outside, two minutes," Kat snarked.

"Prepare to die!"


This chapter still needs editing, and I definitely want to add more detail, but I really wanted to get this chapter out to you guys!

More to come soon!

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