12} Slowly Drifting

Start from the beginning

Skylar pats my knee, "Jessica, I know it's hard but you can't keep running away and cry. You need to face your problems."

I sigh but don't say anything. She's right, I keep avoiding all this but I just don't want to go through the pain.

"You've known Louis forever, I doubt that he would lie to you about this. He would never want to hurt you. Besides, Eleanor is just a bitchy ex-girlfriend who can't keep her mouth shut."

I snort, "But it sounded so true."

Skylar rolls her eyes, "Don't tell me your gonna base your relationship on a stupid lie."

"I'm not, or at least I think I'm not. But it's just that Eleanor and the fans hate me too..." I admit, "They say I'm fake, that I'm not good enough for Louis. Everyday I keep getting hate and-"

"Jessica," Skylar interrupts, "This is difficult, I get it. There's always going to be obstacles in your way, either from Eleanor or the fans but you have the decision to face it or run away. You can't just keep doubting yourself from people's thoughts, ok? I know you can get through this, you just gotta stay strong."

I nod, "Thanks, Sky."

"Your gonna talk to Louis, right?" She eyeballs me.

I chuckle, "I guess I have no choice."

She smiles, "Good. I don't want my favorite OTP to end now."


Quietly opening the door, I carefully step inside into Louis' flat. The light is turned on in the living room which means Louis is still up, probably watching reruns of movies. I really didn't want to talk to him now, it was 12:30 at night and I'm beyond tired. So, deciding to talk to him in the morning, I trudge into the bedroom and plop into bed.

Like always, I check my phone before I go to sleep. Already logged onto Twitter, I scroll through my feed and check any news. Boy, was that a mistake.

Lol why would Louis even date her

Fake af

Ew her face

Leave Louis alone, he's with Eleanor!

Comments keep rolling in, one by one. You should never let the hate get to you, but when your actually getting it, it's hard not to break down. I've been ignoring the hate for a while but with the Eleanor thing on top, it makes things even worse.

As usual, the tears flowed out of my eyes onto my pillow. Skylar told me to stay strong but I'm not. I get pushed around and walked on and I can't help it, I don't know how to stop it. Everything is turning upside down.


Shit. I bury my face under my pillow and pray that Louis won't bother me. Obviously, God didn't answer my prayer since I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Not now." I mumble into my pillow.

"Jessica." He shakes my shoulder.

The voice didn't even belong to Louis, it was thick Irish and a little deeper.

I pull the pillow off my face, "Niall?"

He turned the lights on which burned my eyes as I look up to him. Just like me, he was tired and exhausted...but I, on the other hand, was emotionally unstable.

"Jessica, what's wrong?" He asks, truly concerned and takes a seat next to me.

I sit up and wipe my tears, which leaves a black streak across my hand from the mascara, "I'm not really in the talking mood right now."

"Come on, Jess. I'm not leaving until you tell me."

Giving up, I get in a comfortable position because this is going to take a while. "It's just... I can't handle this anymore."

"What do you mean?"

I sigh, "Relationship drama. Someone told me that Louis' only dating me out of pity, because he feels sorry for me... Our relationship could be just an act, Ni. A-And that I don't deserve him and that I'm just a fake..."

"Is it from our fans?"

"Give or take a few." I say, not mentioning Eleanor.

He thinks for a while before he speaks, "Well, I haven't had a girlfriend for a while so I don't know how this stuff works out. But I've seen some of the boys go through this and I get how struggling it is."

I nod and listen to what he's saying. Even though Niall hasn't been in a relationship for a couple of years, I could already tell that he understood the situation. He's honestly concerned about what's going on and wants to help.

"I bet this is tough for you and you don't deserve it. But no matter what, the fans are going to say something about it, good or bad. The only thing you can do about it is to either embrace it or let them get to you."

I comprehend his words, "It's hard though."

He laughs, "Of course it is. You can't forget that the boys and I have been going through this for four years. Once and a while the hate gets to us, but then we remember what we've become and how far we came. You can do that too, Jess. Ignore their crappy comments and look on the bright side; You have Louis and Louis has you, nobody going to stop that except for you two."

I smile at his inspiring speech, "That really helped, Niall. Thank you."

"No problem, just keep in mind that your stronger than you think you are. You can get through this, I know you can." He looks into my splotchy eyes and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Your the best, Ni." I ruffle his raggedy hair.

"I know." He smiles to himself, "And you better enjoy it. I think that's about as inspiring as I can get."

I chuckle, "Ok, you did pretty damn well."

He gets up from the bed and pats my back, "Night, Jess."

"Night, Ni."

The lights are off and I curl up into bed. I'm a complete mess, with a stained face and worn down clothes but I didn't care. Nothing could ruin my little moment of happiness right now.

For the first time in forever, I slowly drifted off to sleep with a good feeling inside of me.


Damn, it's hard dating someone from One Direction isn't it? Wait, I wouldn't know since I've never dated them...or even had a boyfriend HAHAHAH

Thank you everyyyyyone for reading, voting, and commenting. You make my day and I couldn't be any more grateful. ❤️❤️ AND THANK YOU SOOSOSO MUCH FOR OVER 1K READ SHSJAHDJDJD YAYAYAYA

...maybe 200 votes? :) (only if you want to)

-lauren...loves you

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