Chapter 15

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        Waking up the next mourning I got in the shower. After my shower I put on a black sweatshirt with "DOPE" in the middle, some skinny ripped jeans, Nike mid sneakers, and a black beanie with the word "BADASS" on it. Leaving my long black curly hair down and eye liner and mascara on I went downstairs to see if anyone was home. Walking into the kitchen I seen that mom was sitting at the island. Walking over I gave her a hug and kiss in the cheek before saying "Bye Mom Love You" and walking out to the garage to my jeep.

        10 minutes later

        Pulling into the school I seen everybody looking at me, great guess they heard im the mystery Mosco daughter. Pulling into my usual parking spot the gang ran over to me.

        "Bitch everybody's talking about you" Nadia said before pulling me into a hug "Sorry 'bout your dad" as everybody started hugging me.

        "Ok guys it's fine, im fine, now get off me" I tried getting out of everybody's hold.

        "Rem your not fine I can tell in your eyes please don't have what happen last time just let it out don't hold it in" Nicole said

        "Guy's really im fine" I said starting to get mad cause they kept giving me this look

        "Sure you are" I heard someone say

        "You no what FUCK OFF! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" I said before hopping back in my car and just driving away from that hell hole.

                   6 hours later

        Well shit I have been driving for six hours and im lost. This is just fucking great. Still on the Highway I was reading the signs trying to figure out where I am. WEST PALM, oh shit. That oh shit was a good and bad thing good because west palm has hot guys and clubs, Bad cause Im 6 hours away from home and nobody knows where I am and I don't have a damn outfit to wear. Oh wait, I got a card,  good time for a little shopping trip. An hour after finding a mall and shopping im walking out back to my car to go to the hotel and get ready. This is just what I need to calm down a night out by myself with nobody I know here.

        Skip to Night!!!

        Dancing, smoking, acohol, pill popping, hot guys, hoes, Is just a little bit fo what I am seeing right now. Heading over to the bar I got 3 shots and threw em down. Going to the dance floor I started dancing with everybody on the dance floor. Couple hours later I was heading back to the hotel room. I met this hot ass guys, mhhh and a couple girls that seemed cool next time I come back here Ill hang with them.

        Waking up the next mourning I kept hearing my phone going off. Turning it on I seen I had 10 missed calls from nicole, 10 from all my brothers, 5 from everybody else including Ryder wow, and text messeges from all of them. Deciding its time to go home I went and took a shower and put on some new clothes I got yesterday which consisted a crop top and shorts, before going downstairs to sign out of the hotel and head back home.

                Skip to back home

        Walking up to the house with shooping bags in my hand, I look up after hearing a bang and seen Tyler,Elliot, Blake and the dogs running towards me, huh mom must be at work.

        "What the fuck Rem, where were you" Elliot yelled

        "Yea you had us worried sick, dumbass" Blake said as they all hugged me.

    "Well I went to West Palm, man I got to take you guys there sometime that place is awsome."

    "You went to West Palm and didn't take me with you what the hell Rem you could of at least got me and not these idiots there's some hot as girls down there." Blake said

     "Fine here well all go this week and you guys can bring your friends and I'll bring mine ok"

      "Fuck yea I'm ready" Tyler said

    "Well I'm tired so bye I said walking into the house and goin to bed.


        Sorry it took so long to update I'm going to try to update more!!! Also sorry this is a short chapter


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