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june 12 9:50

nessa suddenly remebers what tony told her and wakes jaden up

nessa: jaden u need to get out

jaden: uh rude

ness: jaden ill u really need to get out or ill make u

jaden: ok i will but why are u mad did i d-do som

ness: why do u always think that its just i need u to get out or...

jaden cuts her off and walks out the house not knowing what he did sad thinking nessa was mad at him .

vanessas pov

why why why why now he thinks im mad at him and its all because of mads i didnt want him to even leave but i didnt want mads to tell the internet that i kissed chase when he kissed me out of blue and i told chase i would let it slide bc thats the person i am but i dont wanna ruin chacha or my frendship with charli maybe i could call chase and charli and tell them aswell as all my other friends then mads would not have to say those things but still its hopeless i would ruin a love relationship OHH FUCK WHAT DOOO I DO

nessa gets the idea to talk to chase about it and see what happens



chase: hello?

ness: heyy so uh chase we need to kinda talk

chase: yea wassup?

nessa: so somehow mads found out that u kissed me and she said she was gonna tell the internet that i kissed u and i didnt and i could let it slide but like i would ruin your relationship with char and i dont know what to do sooooooooooooo HELPP

chase: uh 1 since when u and jaden talkkkk?

nessa: uhm after mads and josh cheated on me

chase: HE DID WHA-

nessa: do u not have social media


nessa: so i can still hang with jaden and its fine if mads tells social media?

chase: ya i told char everything

nessa: ok great byeeee

nessa was relived with joy bc now she did not have to worry and could spend time with jaden she called him 10 times but jaden could not stand talking to her ness knwe som was up so she drove to sway to check on her baeee as she shouldddddddddddddd PERIOD ok sorry im getting to carried away. <333

nessa walks into sway and tries to open the door but the door was locked

nessa: j-jaden she talks in a low voice jaden im sorry its just mads well a while ag-

jaden: she did fucking what

nessa: j-jaden why and....

jaden had looked like he had been crying for hours and his hair dyed back to was black

nessa: please stop crying theres nothing to cry about its just when t-tony was about to ra- me he told me a message from unknown= mads and she said if i dont stay away from u she would tell the internet i kissed chase and 1 it was a longgggg time ago 2 i didnt kiss him he kissed me 3 it was a mistake and ik he regets is it just................

nessa wants to say som cliff hanger hehe

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