•chap 2

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"misssss haruna!!!" My Wonderful sleep was cut short because of the old man shouting at me to the tree top where I'm sleeping, curse it.

"Mn?" I hummed in response not even bothering to look at him or to climb down.

"You still haven't answered my questions~o" his weird accent is kinda annoying me along with his loud voice, I only ignored him once more

"Saotome-sama My answer will remain as it is, My idol days are over and I don't plan on coming back to who I use to be, So No is my answer again" how many times did I said that already? And yet how many time did he questioned me that? For more than a year.

"No, No, No! I will not take that as an answer~o! Someone like you deserve to shine~o!" Shine? I doubt it.

"You already have quartet night and starish in your agency, you don't need me" I said, after the debut of STARISH they rose in term of popularity and in the music business. They just entered the Master course with the members of Quartet Night being their senpais.

Quartet night is a weird group with the members not even getting along because of their clashing personality and they are in a verge of disbanding, having them supervise a bunch of newly debuted idols might be an entertaining show.

Nanami haruka also went along with them as Starish beloved composer, who knew she would produce a wonderful group out of lovesick males who were and still pursuing her.

It's only been two days since they entered the master course after meeting their senpais and a new rival---a prince.

I had encountered them here and there around the Master course building but I never introduced or much less appeared before them, I even doubt it that they knew someone is living here other than them.

Only the president, ringo-san and hyuuga-san knows I'm here.


3rd person's POV

The members of starish, their beloved composer, Quartet Night and the new foreign boy from the kingdom of agnapolis were just leisurely sitting and relaxing on the couches doing their own things until someone brought up a anonymous subject that sparked a new topic for them.

"By the way I've been wanting to ask everyone if they noticed some weird things that's been happening around the building? " Kotobuki reiji asked with shivers running down his spine.

"Now that you mentioned it, I have been seeing an unfamiliar shadow walking in the hallway late at night" jinjugi ren answered remembering what Happened last week when he saw a shadow walking down the hallway.

"I've also saw someone walking to the forest when I was jogging earlier in the morning but it was too foggy so I didn't saw who it was however based on their silhouette I don't think I ever saw that person before" syo kurusu added.

"you don't thinks it a..... G-ghost.... Right? " Ittoki paled up at the thought, being the one who is most afraid and the one who believe in ghost or any supernatural beings.

"Such things don't exist, the only possible explanation is that someone else is living here with us" mikaze Ai said with his usual empty and emotionless face.

" Someone else living here? With us? That's impossible" camus said firmly and crossed his arms, shaking his head as an indication that he does not believe what His groupmate just said.

"It's no impossible because it's true~pu" Their sensei Tsukimiya Ringo said with his famous close eye smile and those imaginary sparkles around him that suddenly appear Everytime he smile.

"WHATTT!" Haruka, syo, natsuki, otoya and their senpai reiji just shouted in surprise, they didn't expect that someone else is really living here without them knowing.

"Saw that coming" kurosaki Ranmaru bluntly said with Ai nodding in agreement.

"So who is it? Is it another idol?" Haruka asked the two teachers, but Ryuuya hyuuga and ringo sweatdropped while looking at each other.

"Well......Sort of?" Ringo-sensei said with uncertainty with only flared up their curiosity, but before anyone could ask any questions they heard an loud sound coming from outside as if something big just hit the ground and the sound of helicopter spins went along with it.

"What was that!!?" Otoya asked in a panic, they ran outside only to see a helicopter hovering just above the field with their president carrying a bazooka on his shoulder and laughing like a maniac.

"Bwahahahaha!" Everytime he fired the bazooka only ball of smoke rushing out of it like a bullet but it's not something harmful, why an earth is he doing? They all questioned in their minds but it was also answered when they followed the directions where he is shooting at.

A figure danced in the the field while avoiding the shots from shining, wearing black jeans, sneakers, a black hoodie that covered the person's face, and a guitar, strapped behind her.

"Who's that?" Natsuki asked, the firing continued until the unknowns person thrown the guitar in the air and jumped on a tree, Jumping again in the air and doing a summersault, The hoodie covering her face was blown off by the wind.

Beautiful long dark pink hair danced in the wind revealing a beautiful and flawless celestial face with her beautiful purple eyes that hold nothing but void.

She jumped just right above them while grabbing her guitar that she thrown in the air earlier, making a perfect landing behind them, they couldn't tear their eyes off her.

"Haruna-san!?" Haruka shouted subconsciously upon seeing her idol, she remembered her very well after their little talk back when she was still in Saotome academy.

The other snapped their attention toward the composer, "you know her?" "Haruna?" "How do you know her?" They bombarded her with questions.

"Bwahahaha! You cannot escape from me~o, Miss harrrruuuunnna!!" Shining yelled from his helicopter still aiming his toy bazooka toward haruna.

But before they knew it the two teachers secretly sneaked behind the girl named haruna and tied her up in a rope.

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