What the fuck Richard

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“Bigfoot Festival! Bigfoot Festival! Bigfoot Festival!” Kaminari and Mina yelled over and over again. “Fine we’ll go!” I yell back, tired of their insistent screaming. It was a couple states over and I really wasn’t in the mood for the 12 hour drive there. “It’ll be fun Bakuhoe,” Sero called from his spot at the driver's seat. “I told you not to call me that tape face!” I yelled back angrily. “You're lucky you're driving right now.” I grumble. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” “Fuck off.” 

“We gotta look for Bigfoot when we go.” Kirishima prompted, looking up from his book. “Yes! I wanna get a picture with them!” Kaminari said, jumping up excitedly. “As long as the Bigfoot doesn't try and kill you, then sure take a selfie with Bigfoot.” I say as I plug in the festival into the gps for Sero. “Fiinnee mom.” “Fuck off.” I yell at the yellow haired idiot. I turn back to Sero, “Let me know when you get tired and I’ll take over driving.” He shoots me a smile, “Thanks broski.” I nod and sit down on the little bench beside the stairs and grab a book, settling down for the long ride. 

・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・

“We’re here!” I yelled as I parked in the local Walmart of the town. “Yay! Bigfoot Festival!” Kaminari and Mina yelled in unison. “It doesn’t start until tomorrow,” Kirishima reminded them. “Anyway, if there's any shopping you guys need to do, go do it. I’m going to sleep though,” I announce, moving towards my bed. Everyone but Sero left as I changed into my pj’s. “Do you want some tea?” Sero asked as I left the bathroom. I nodded and sat down in the little kitchen booth thing as he put on some water to boil.

        He sat down across from me, waiting for the water to get hot. Silence filling the air until the teapot began to whistle. "Chamomile or lavender?" "Chamomile." He pushed the mug in front of me, along with a jar of honey. I sipped my tea quietly.

・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・

      I woke up the next morning to chaotic screaming from the gang. “Shut up I’m trying to fucking sleep!” I screamed, throwing a pillow at the group. Seeing as I wouldn’t be getting any more sleep, I rolled out of bed with a thump; sending death glares at everyone. I sat down at our booth thing, resting my head on the table as the other happily babbled, significantly quieter than before but still annoying. Someone pushed a cup of cold brew and some egg toast in front of me. “Good morning,” Sero said softly, sitting down across from me to eat as well. I grunted in return. 

“Bakubro! Are you ready for the Bigfoot festival?” Kirishima asked. “Eh,” I mumble back, just wanting to eat. “It’ll be fun!” Kaminari said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “If you don't take your arm off me right now, you won't exist long enough to have fun,” I growl. “Guys let Bakugou eat,” Sero said, shooing away everyone so I could eat in peace. I nodded in thanks and finished breakfast. 

“Can we go now?” Mina asked. “Yeah, Sero you drive,” I grumble, pushing the keys into his hands. I grabbed some clothes and quickly changed as Sero drove off to get parked closer to the festival. We parked on a back street and made our way to the main street where the bulk of the festival was being held. There were many tents and booths set up with food, cryptid themed clothing, plushies, and more. In the center of the town there was a clearing where a stage where they had music playing from and the occasional speaker. Storefronts had pictures of bigfoot painted on the windows and lots of people had on bigfoot costumes. 

“I'm going to sign up for the Bigfoot calling contest!”Kirishima yelled excitedly as we joined the mob of people filling the streets. “We have to get matching t-shirts guys!” Mina said, pointing to a tent selling custom t-shirts. “I can't wait to talk to all the scientists and stuff about their findings!” Kaminari said pointing to a tent that had castings of bigfoot tracks and information on him. (No I’m not kidding, there's a festival 3 hours from where i live and there are several groups of researchers who go every year and stuff!) “I wanna get a picture with the Bigfoot crossing sign!” Sero said pointing to a sign up ahead. “Guys! There's bouncy houses!” Mina shouted excitedly. 

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