chapter 2

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Later that evening you smelled the scent of Thor again. He always smelled fresh, like he had just got out of shower.
You heard a knock and then door opening on the other side of the corridor.

"What now?" you heard a grumpy voice from the door. Loki sounded frustrated because he had been interrupted.
"Come with me to downstairs, you haven't eaten anything for a whole day. Let's get something for you." Thor said, sounding just like a very protective big brother.
"Do I have to?" Loki snarled.
"Yes you do." Thor replied firmly and now it sounded like he was dragging Loki out of his room by force.

You waited them to leave before opening your door. You were starving as well, and looked like you really had to show yourself now.

You left your room and chose the stairs, it was pretty hard to use elevator by yourself when you were in wolf form. You needed some more practice with that.
You were almost at the kitchen, when you heard Loki and Thor discussing again. And their topic made you stop before entering.

"So did I understand right? You guys have a wolf in here?" you heard Loki's curious voice. Thor laughed a bit.
"Yes we do, a werewolf technically." he replied in little amuse.
"Interesting, I have never actually met one." Loki said, and he sounded like he really was curious about you, about werewolves.

"Now you do." Thor replied as he noticed you, walking down the stairs. Thor smiled at you kindly as you walked over to him.
"Hey Y/N, I was wondering when you'll have enough courage to show up." he teased and grinned afterwards.
You gave a growl at him for teasing you.

You looked up at Loki, who was clearly confused and curious about the fact that you were in your wolf form instead of a human.

"Oh right, this is my brother, Loki.
Loki this is Y/N, our werewolf." Thor introduced you two to each other. You nodded a little in reply to Loki, who was still looking at you curiously.

"I'm gonna make us some sandwiches, you want one?" Thor asked and you nodded in reply, again.
It was kind of frustrating to be unable to talk when you were a wolf.

While Thor made your sandwiches, you had time to observe Loki more.
He had that long black hair, almost as black as your fur. With his green eyes, he was looking at you too, probably observing as well.
And while you were surveying, you couldn't ignore the fact that he had few daggers hanging on his waist.

You really wondered where did god need daggers.

"Alright here you go." Thor said and offered you a sandwich, which you received by taking it between your jaws.
Thor handed the other to Loki, who looked little disgusted first. He probably never had tasted earth's food before.

"So, Y/N, are you gonna change back anytime soon?" Thor asked, trying to make some conversation into the silence.
You huffed and shook your head.
"Oh yeah, you don't know it for sure either." Thor chuckled, he had got your point.

Roughly almost everyone in the team had learned to understand you as a wolf. They understood your huffing and growling into some point and it was pretty impressive to you, actually.


You woke up from your couch, curled up against your pillows, your head leaning on your paws. You were still in wolf form, and it was little frustrating when you couldn't manage your shifting. You still had to wait until the wolf decides she's not needed anymore.

You headed downstairs, straight to the common room where you found Thor, Clint, Tony and Loki, sitting on the couch. They were watching some idiotic show once again.

You jumped on the couch, but far enough so you didn't touch any of them. You weren't the type of wolf who liked to curl against someone.

"Good morning to you too, apparently still a wolf?" Tony grinned when he had noticed your entrance. You huffed and rolled your eyes.

You settled down comfortably and decided to watch the show with them. You didn't have anything better to do right now when you couldn't even read your favorite books while you were in wolf form.

You looked to your left and saw Loki, sitting on the other side of the couch while drinking his tea and reading a book. You hadn't really expected anything like that from the god of mischief.
But then your observation got disturbed when you smelled Thor's Eggo's. He was always eating them and he really loved those waffles. He barely even gave them to anyone else.

You looked up to him as he shoved them into his mouth. Thor noticed your staring and he turned to look at you.
"Don't you dare to even think about it." he said and pulled his plate further from
you. He knew what you wanted.

You tried to use your puppy dog eyes to make him give up, because you knew it always worked on him.
"Come on, don't look at me like that." he whined, and you knew he was just about to give up.
Tony and Clint looked amused from aside as Thor finally gave up and handed you one of his waffles. You took it and it didn't even take you a minute to eat it.

You looked amused from aside how Thor was mumbling by himself, telling that he shouldn't be that weak for wolves.
Thor was helpless dog lover and a wolf wasn't so far from it, so he couldn't stand up against you when you were in your wolf form. It was kind of cute, and you liked to tease him with it.

After several minutes of silence, Loki (for your surprise), spoke up.
"So is none of you in here amazed by the fact that she's still a wolf?"

You didn't blame him for that question though. He didn't know anything about you or werewolves and hardly did everyone else either.

Then Clint turned to look at you, asking if he could tell him and you nodded as an accept.
It would be good for Loki too if he knew what was going on, he was part of the team now, after all.

"So, Y/N practically turns into a wolf almost every time when someone new joins her 'pack'." Clint made the quotation marks with his fingers. "She explained that it was some kind of self defense mechanism to her and her wolf. She actually did that the day she joined us, and she was a wolf like for a week. But we can't know for sure how long it's gonna take this time for her to shift back." Clint explained to curiously looking Loki.
"So you can't just turn back?" Loki asked and turned to look at you. You shook your head in reply, you were also impressed that he had understood you that well so quickly.

Then suddenly Steve walked in, suited up in his Captain America armor.
"We got a call from Nick, SHIELD needs our help." he told you firmly.
The others except Loki, stood up immediately and Tony walked over to Steve.
"What is it?" he asked with corncerned voice.
"Nick didn't tell me yet, but we need to leave now. So suit up." he ordered and no one didn't argue with him this time. Everybody usually did as Cap said, except Tony, he was too stubborn and proud for that sometimes.
You also jumped off he couch to get to work, but Steve stopped you right there.
"We need you to stay here and watch over Loki, because we can't take him with us yet." he said and then looked at Loki who rolled his eyes at him. "I don't need a babysitter.." he snarled from the corner of the couch.

You growled to protest, you didn't want to stay with him alone. You didn't trust him at all.

"I know Y/N, but we trust you. You are probably the best one of us to look after him." Steve told you, like he had just read your mind.

You snarled in reply, you knew he was technically right, because you had the best instincts of the team. But you were also the one with the worst trust issues ever, and you had to blame your pack for it.

"I promise we will be back as soon as possible, besides you are in your wolf form, you are just perfectly safe." Steve added with that mom tone in his voice while you rolled your eyes.

"And don't let him do anything stupid and keep an eye on him the whole time." Tony grumbled after he had returned back, suited up in his ironman suit.
You rolled your eyes again and huffed.

Then the team left for the mission and you had to stay there with Loki. It didn't feel good at all.

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