Tony gave Remi and the rest of the team the day off to get ready for the party. Remi immediately called her sister Brielle for advice on a dress. "You have to help me! I have no idea what I'm doing and I don't think I have a dress that will be nice enough for this party." Remi was close to hyperventilating again and Brielle told her to calm down.
"Don't worry! I'll be over there tonight after work. I have some shoes you can borrow and I'll bring my makeup. You'll look amazing tonight," Brielle said.
"Thanks, Bri. I know we haven't always gotten along but this really means a lot to me," Remi said into the phone.
"We're family. We always stick together," Bri said lovingly.

Brielle arrived a little after 6 to help Remi get dressed. She even brought some wine over to help take off the edge. She knew how anxious and paranoid Remi could get in social situations. Even though she was the younger sister, she always stayed close to her at family gatherings and parties. There was always someone who wanted to tease or hit on Remi.
"Just don't think of it as a party. Just imagine it's an office and everyone is doing research on what it would be like to study human behavior disguised as a human," Brielle said.
Remi wrinkled her brow. "What? That doesn't even make sense. Why would humans be dressed up as humans?"
"Well, maybe they are not humans and everyone is really an ape like on Planet of the Apes, but they have human masks on. Everyone is studying everyone else and whoever gathers the most data wins!" Brielle said animatedly.
Remi was silent as she mulled over the idea. That just might work to help ease her nerves.
"Ok, you're all set! Ahh! I love my work!" Brielle said.
Remi was wearing a sleeveless black lacy cocktail dress that had a high collar. There was small detailing on the chest portion and the waist of the dress. Overall, it was modest dress but enough skin was hidden under lace to be alluring. Remi had a pair of strapped sandals and a simple gold bracelet to wear. Her hair was curled in waves as it hung loose and framed her face. Remi looked in the mirror and said, "I feel like an imposter. I never wear stuff like this," she said with a pout.
"Remi, don't be down on yourself. You look beautiful and Steve will think you look beautiful. Who cares what anyone else thinks. Even if you showed up in your work clothes you would still be amazing." Brielle hugged Remi from the side as they looked into the mirror. "Just remember to have fun tonight. All those people don't mean anything. Only Steve and he adores you," Brielle said with a smile.
"You're right, Brielle. Thanks for being such a good sister," Remi said as she hugged her back.
There was a light knock on the door and Brielle squealed as she ran to get it. She checked to make sure it was Steve and then she opened the door all the way. He was a little surprised to see her there but remembered meeting her just the day before. "Come in! Come in!" She said as she motioned him in with her hands. "Remi is ready to go; she just needs to grab her jacket."
Steve waited as he looked down the hallway of her small apartment. His breath caught in his throat as he saw her walking down the hall. She looked so soft and sexy with the warm light from the hallway. Her hair was gorgeous and he couldn't wait to put his hands in it. He closed his mouth and cleared his throat as he looked at her. "You look amazing," he finally managed to say.
She looked at him in his grey suit and said, "You clean up pretty nicely, too." She could see the round bulges of his muscled shoulders and the tightness of his sleeves over his biceps. His large hands were down by his side and she could see the way his pants hugged his thick thighs. A stampede of butterflies ran through her heart and stomach as she blushed. She knew with his super hearing he could hear her heart rate increase with her arousal.
"Shall we?" He asked as he offered her his arm.
"By Brielle!" Remi called as they both left.

When they were alone again, Steve looked down at her tenderly. "You look so beautiful tonight." He lowered his face to hers and gave her a slow and tender kiss.

When they arrived at the tower and rode the elevator up, she was a bundle of nerves. Her hands were shaking and her senses were in overdrive. The lights were too bright, the faces too close, and voices too loud. Steve could sense her unease and continued to hold her hand. They walked out to the opulent banquet hall where Tony was hosting his party. Natasha was by the door to greet them along with Dr. Banner and a young girl named Wanda. Remi stayed close to Steve the entire time, latched onto his arm. Natasha could sense she was nervous and handed her a mixed drink to calm her nerves. Remi gave her a silent thanks as she and Steve made their rounds.

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