The Depression Storm

Start from the beginning

*Too much ( be careful whom you help)

Too much: when you have a big heart you tend to do so much for individuals until you realize it's too much when you don't get the same treatment in return. Nobody has the same heart nor the same motives so you have to be careful whom you help, because they will take advantage of the kindness and use it to their weakness to get what they can get out of you. Playing you like a toy when it gets old, time to get a new one to play with, then lie saying I got your back when you need me or I'll pay you back just to keep prolonging the fact it will never happen just to say something to be talking with no proof just to give you hope. Selfishness just on top of the list of what people are on. It's not right to take out your frustration on someone who is trying to help you, because someone else did you dirty. What is the point of doing it for folks and who are so ungrateful wanting more, because they are not happy with what you gave and if you give it all to satisfy their needs you will never hear from them again. When your heart is big, YOU tend to give more, but receive less and feel bad when your feelings get abused by the society of misloved, selfish, and weaknesses you begin to turn dark on the inside unless you know how to release your anger. Sometimes it feels like God doesn't see you, but he does every time he wakes you up he is blessing you. When you do something for somebody don't talk about it nor look for them to throw a boomerang that is how individuals mess up on their blessings. If you do something from the heart let the lord reward you, he will send you something in return even if you have done wrong, confess in your way. Just don't do too much, because too much can be turned into so much and they use you like a puppet. Be careful whom you help.

*Trying to mend a broken heart ( getting over the pain)

Trying to mend a broken heart. After failed relationships for seven years, I decided to put my heart on a block. Falling back and focusing on yourself is the way to go. If that person loves you for who you are and want to be with you it will show. If a woman has bad taste in men it's best not to date any men. Good people are rare on this earth, the devils are showing their true colors and we let the good ones pass us by. The ones that we want in our lives are not what God said that we need. We need him at the end of the day, because of all this chaos that is going on. After you give your all, love, and everything to a person who doesn't deserve it, that can drive a person over the edge or don't want to be around anyone. Exposing your feelings can make a person shut down and turn cold In the heart. It's best to be yourself around your family and someone that you love close to you. In reality, nobody is going to accept you but God, because everyone else judges and looks over you. Hard to trust after your heart has been in the hands of a dark, evil, selfish person. Sometimes a person just wants to be alone to deal with the pain, because we all grieve differently. It takes time to get over a broken heart. What is going on is that love has changed, because of the good individuals getting hurt by the ones who are wondering or not ready for real love. After Been broken make you not wanna be in love anymore. Where is real love? It's not the same anymore.

*Scorned person ( getting over from being broken)

What is a scorned person? someone who has been broken in pieces by the devil who is seeking the opposite of love. A person that is hurting from a meaningful relationship. An individual that is bitter and hurt thinks he or she deserves love, respect, loyalty, or power. Respect takes you a long way in life, but people don't understand. Being bitter doesn't come by night. It comes from being loyal to someone who doesn't deserve it. In this generation, it's going to be hard to find love, respect, and loyalty. Some people love whom they want, respect those who don't deserve it. All the pain that was caused is not recovered, so you DO odd things to keep your mind of it. A Lot of people have different theories about how to get over a breakup you either keep busy, deal with the pain alone, or get under someone else. Time heals all wounds, it's going to take some time to get over the pain, but you can't go around people carrying the hurt that somebody caused you, because of their selfish pleasure. In other words, you can't date when you are hurt, because you cause more damage to a person and expect that person to know how to fix it when something is wrong. As a scorned person it is best to stay to yourself and deal with the hurt alone. Don't talk your problems out with people, because you are going to hear about them. Talk it over with God what is going on the inside is safe with him.

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