part 14: a pirate duel

Start from the beginning

Captain Bang Chan stayed silent, and rolled his eyes.

"You're making a mistake, Soobin," Chan mumbled under his breath, "Looks like we're doing it the hard way."

The others watched as the crew members on the opposite ship quickly ran to their positions. Taehyun glanced around on the other ship, reaching for his sword.

"There's two at the helm, two on shrouds, and the one on main deck," he murmured to the other crewmates, "Eight in total... but most of them are no threat to us."

"Hueningkai, secure the map below deck and make sure no one gets to it," Soobin ordered, "Taehyun, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, fight off the others. I'll handle Captain Bang Chan."

They all exchanged a nod, quickly drawing their swords and Beomgyu taking out a pair of knives from his coat.

Captain Bang Chan sighed, shaking his head and drew his sword. The rest of the crew dispersed, leaving the two captains to circle each other.

"You know, it would've been better if you just cooperated," he shrugged, "But I suppose if you want to fight, we'll fight."

Captain Soobin scowled, tightly gripping the handle of his sword. Captain Soobin took off his coat, throwing it aside and planting his feet onto the floorboard.

"You're wrong if you think I'm going down without a fight," He seethed. Captain Chan smirked, holding his sword out front of him.

Captain Soobin charged at the other, raising his sword above the other captain's head. Chan quickly blocked with a swift parry, his feet hitting the ship's floorboards. Soobin retreated, steadying himself on the deck.

Quickly, Soobin spun around and swung his sword again aiming for the other captain's shoulder. Chan dodged to the side, countering it with a swift block. The metal of their swords clashed as the two glared at each other with fiery rage in their eyes.

Chan advanced again, swiftly swiping his sword. The other stumbled back, blocking it with his blade. They fiercely stared into each other's eyes, Captain Soobin pressing his sword closer to the other's.

Chan's feet planted his feet into the deck, swiftly withdrawing his blade and making a swipe for Soobin's ankles.

Captain Soobin quickly vaulted over the attack, twirling his sword in his hand. He advanced forward, spinning around and striking the other quickly. Chan parrying his attack and sharply jabbing him with his elbow. Soobin flinched, stumbling back and lowering his sword.

Panting, he looked at the other captain in the eyes and scowled. Chan smirked, lunging forward at the other and landing a slash across Soobin's shoulder.

Unable to block the attack Captain Soobin yelped, squeezing his grip on his sword. Panting, he glared up at Captain Bang Chan. He ignored the piercing pain of his shoulder, forcing himself up and staggered to his feet.

Bang Chan swung his sword again, Soobin blocking with another parry above his head. His eyes darted around, looking for an opening. He raised his foot and hovered it above Captain Bang Chan's foot.

Before he could stomp on his foot, Bang Chan dodged to the side swiftly and landed another hit across Soobin's side. The captain hissed, falling onto one knee.

Hueningkai watched from upper deck worriedly, grabbing his sword tightly. He ran over to the help, when Felix and Hyunjin stepped in front of him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Hueningkai bit his lip hesitantly, staggering back.

Captain Soobin panted, gripping the handle of his sword tightly when Captain Bang Chan grabbed his shirt collar. He pulled him closer, until their eyes met. Soobin glared at the other, his shoulder spilling out blood and soaking into his shirt.

"It really was a shame I had to hurt you," Bang Chan smirked, holding the other tightly. Captain Soobin squirmed, the other slamming him against the ship railing. Soobin groaned, his sword falling out of his hand.

He clutched his torso, a deep cut spilling out blood. He hesitated, as the other Captain walked closer to him.

"Now," Bang Chan said, pointing the blade at Soobin's throat, "You tell me where you hid the map, or your whole crew will pay—"

Suddenly, a knife zipped past Bang Chan's eyes. He stumbled back, looking to see where the knife had come from. Captain Soobin slowly turned his head, Beomgyu winking at him from the shrouds. He smiled back at the other, shakily sighing deeply.

Soobin quickly reached for his sword, grabbing the handle tightly and staggering back to his feet. His shaking hands held the sword tightly.

"BANG CHAN!" He yelled at the other, wiping blood from his shoulder, "I'm not done with you yet."


Taehyun quickly blocked Minho's strike on his side, the metal of their swords clashing. Yeonjun and Taehyun were back to back, fighting off the other two pirates who had jumped over on their ship.

Minho lunged for another attack, Taehyun dodging to the side. Swiftly, he landed a strike on Minho's arm and knocked his blade out of his hand. The pirate hissed, clutching his arm when Taehyun kicked him in the chest.

Panting, he looked around the ship and glanced over at Yeonjun. Suddenly, he heard a familiar shout, then whipped around to look in the direction the sound was coming from.

Hueningkai was pressed against the railing, the glass bottle held close to his chest and sword in his other hand. There were at least two others surrounding him.

He turned to Yeonjun.

"Kai needs help," he panted, looking up at the younger.

"Help him, I'll join you in a second." Yeonjun parried another attack above his head, his knees starting to shake. Yeonjun looked up at where Hueningkai was, his chest heaving.

Taehyun nodded, tightly clutching his sword and sprinting to the upper deck. Before the pirates could lay a finger on Hueningkai, Taehyun dashed through the side and jumped in front of the other.

Felix and Hyunjin flinched, stepping back and planting their feet onto the deck.

"Pass the map to Beomgyu so he could hold onto it," Taehyun whispered to the other, "I'll take care of these three. Just wait until I give you an opening."

Hueningkai nodded, gripping the ship railing. Taehyun glanced at his enemies, one with a sword and the other a steel lance.

"Must you make this difficult?" Hyunjin complained, rolling his eyes, "All we want is the map, you could even make your own."

"We're never giving you the map," Taehyun growled, brushing some hair away from his face.

Quickly, Taehyun advanced forward, his sword barely tearing the fibers of Hyunjin's shirt. The other stumbled back, eyes wide with shock. Felix attacked from the left, Taehyun dodged and blocked with a swift parry.

His feet slid on the deck, Felix's sword pressing against his.

"KAI! RUN!" He called to the other, gesturing to Beomgyu with his head. Hueningkai nodded quickly, letting go of the railing and sprinting to the main deck.

Hyunjin quickly ran to go after him, when Taehyun extended his foot and tripped the other. He scoffed to himself, glancing up and watched as Hueningkai sprinted across the deck, past the quarreling captains.

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