Nessa:Yeah it can't be worst than last year

♡You guys walk in and go to your lockers and when you put all your books in and then you see Chase,Jaden,Bryce,Kio and Josh walking like they own the place♡

Charli:Chase got hot over summer

Riley:So did Kio

Nessa:Ew no

Riley:You really don't like anyone


Charli:What class do yall have first



Charli:Science.Shit I'm not with you

Nessa:Don't worry we will meet you at lunch normal table


♡You and Riley start walking to History when you walk in you see Kio and Josh♡

Nessa:Ooo look your boyfriend

Riley:Shut up

♡You guys go and sit behind them and kio turns around♡

Kio:Hey Riley right

Riley:Yeah that's me

Kio:Good to know

♡He turns around and start talking to josh♡

Riley:Omg what was that

Nessa:He is totally into you


Nessa:Whatever you say

♡Skip to lunch.You and Riley walk over to your table and sit beside Charli♡

Nessa:So you all coming over to my house after school

Charli:Yeah I will just need to go home and get ready



♡Skip to after school.You,Charli,Mads,Jaden and Josh walk out to the car and get in♡

Jaden:So bro you coming over with the boys


Nessa:What I'm having Riley and Charli over

Jaden:Then stay in your room

Nessa:Ugh fine and mads you can come and you can invite Addison if you want

Mads:Yeah sure thanks

♡You guys arrive at mads House first♡

Jaden:Bye babe

Mads:Bye Jae

♡Next you go to Charli and Josh's house♡

Charli:Bye ness see you in a bit


Josh:Bye bro

Jaden:See you

♡You get out of the car and get into the front seat and jaden drives ye home♡

Jaden:Remember stay in your room

Nessa:Yeah whatever

♡You walk upstairs and start some homework and half a hour later you change into something more comfortable♡

♡You walk upstairs and start some homework and half a hour later you change into something more comfortable♡

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