First Glance

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Life was pretty simple for Cassie Stevens. She worked entirely on a schedule, 7 am wake up, 7:15 am eat breakfast, 7: 35 am leave for school etc. For most it seemed like her schedule was so tightly woven that she never had any time to be  human. It was like she was this perfectly programed robot, but then again no one ever really noticed. Living in Seabrook you were expected to be like everyone else, and up until last year thats how everyone lived. Last year was a year that had gone down in Seabrook history; Zombies had been integrated into the school and with hard work they were now accepted. Cassie loved that the town was starting to change. Slowly everyone transitioned how they lived their previous lives; where students once only wore clothes of  pastel pink or blue  they had started mixing in bits of green and dark purple. Although that was only a small change, it still made a difference. Except in the minds of her parents.

   Matthew and Olivia Stevens had to be the strictist parents in town. If the schedule wasnt followed Cassie was grounded and given the same lecture everytime. It was always something along the line of how the outside world was dangerous. Cassie understood their concerns about danger but weren't teenagers supposed to experience some forms of danger? Wasn't that how they prepaired to live in the real world? Of course she never voiced any of these concernes to her parents, they would never let her out of the house again if they had even the slightest idea she was questioning the schedule. What was even worse though were the rules. Most of them were simply ridiculous, like rule number four which stated that she could only have one friend over and they couldnt stay past five no matter what day of the week it was. Honestly it wasnt much of a life; but it had its good moments. For instance she had a piano to kill the time with, and her parents bought her all the art supplies she could ever want.

   It was said piano that started this whole thing. It was dark outside, so dark it was impossible to see almost anything outside the windows. Cassie was glad her parents had allowed her to have full access of the piano at any hour, she always figured it was because she was a good player but honestly who knows with adults. As she played she got lost in the music; completely loosing herself in her own mind. She failed to notice the odd boy watching her from outside. She failed to notice how his eyes just couldn't leave her face as she ran her fingers over the keys, how he looked at her with fascination as if he'd never seen a girl in his life. He told himself it had been the music that drew him to the house but deep inside he knew it was something else. Something stronger had called him there and he had a feeling it had something to do with this girl, but he had other more important things to worry about. It would be best if he just left and forgot about her, it wasnt like he knew her or anything and he was sure she would freak out if he just went up to the window. He decided to just leave for now and maybe, just maybe, he would find her again and figure out what exactly drew him there.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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